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#6 How slow is your tram? & Case study of Akka migration & Inside the IDE

#6 How slow is your tram? & Case study of Akka migration & Inside the IDE
Event type:
06.09.2023 (wednesday)
WędrówkiPub - Wrocławski Klub Eventowy
Podwale 37
Strona www:


Cześć! Wracamy po przerwie wakacyjnej z szóstym już spotkaniem Wroclaw Scala User Group już w środę, 6. września, widzimy się jak zawsze w Pubie Wędrówki. Wracamy pełni werwy, bo tym razem będą prezentowane aż 3 tematy.

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Spotkanie odbędzie się po polsku.

W programie:

‘How slow is your tram?’ - Michał Pawlik

Have you ever wondered if it's worth catching a tram instead of walking or riding a bike? How slow is your tram on average?

In this beginner-friendly talk we'll try to find out using the power of Scala and functional programming techniques.

We'll learn how to build an API client, handle JSON, stream and combine the data using FS2 and Cats Effect.

‘Fears of license changes and how to deal with them - case study of Akka migration’ - Patryk Kowalcze

In the world of open-source software we have a number of different licenses that dictate how we can use it. Some of them are more permissive than others, but we usually get to choose what suits us best. The tricky part? They can change. What if it happens to a crucial library you’re using at work and your company is not that keen on spending additional money? Will you be able to get rid of that library?

That’s exactly what a big part of Akka users had to deal with and we were among them. In this talk I’ll present a case study of how we managed to minimize the rewrite cost from Akka to http4s and Pekko by leveraging Tapir, sttp and pass4s.

‘Inside the IDE: Unraveling the magic behind the scenes' - Jędrzej Rochala

Have you ever wondered what exactly happens when you type a letter in your IDE ?

What is going on under the hood in order to provide you the completions, hovers or go-to-definition ? If so, in this talk we will delve into compiler internals responsible for `Interactive` features of the language, with the focus on Scala 3.


Jędrzej Rochala

Jędrzej Rochala works at VirtusLab and is a member of a Scalacenter team. His work is mostly focused around interactive features of the compiler, but he also happens to be a current maintainer of Scastie.

Michał Pawlik

Software engineer, writing (not exclusively) about Scala at https://blog.michal.pawlik.dev, OSS contributor, eager to help others onboard to FP world

Patryk Kowalcze

Staff Software Engineer, working professionally with Scala for 6 years.

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