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Agile Wrocław: Marek Tryliński – Refine your refinement process

12 grudnia: Marek Tryliński - Refine your refinement process
Event type:
12.12.2016 (monday)
English , Polish
Barka Tumska
ul. Wyspa Słodowa 10
Strona www:
  • 15m - introduction and game rules explanation
  • 30m - Product Backlog Refinement session simulation in sub groups
  • 30m - wrapup and conclusions
  • 15m - "share your ideas" - lightning talks from participants
Więcej informacji o tym wydarzeniu dostępne jest w języku angielskim:   ul. Wyspa Słodowa 10, Wroclaw (map) This is what the Scrum Guide has to say about Product Backlog Refinement: "Product Backlog refinement is the act of adding detail, estimates, and order to items in the Product Backlog. [...]" Not much actually, so in our workshop you will learn a bit more about this scrum ceremony, which is often used wrong, or even not used at all. You will get familiar with couple of different scenarios and exercises that can be used. You will discuss about how PO should prepare for this meeting, and what are good and bad practices. All of this will be done in collaborative and interactive style, so take your backlogs with you, observe your nearest Refinement, and bring all of this to our workshop.   How to prepare for the workshop:
  • print out your Product Backlog (if you can) and take it with you
  • take some notes during your next Product Backlog Refinement - what are good practices? what can be improved?
  • prepare lightning talk - 4 minutes speech about "what cool thing do we do on our Product Backlog Refinements"
This is what Marek Tryliński has to say about himself: For past 8 years I worked as a Scrum Master, Agile Coach, Trainer and Project Manager. During this time I worked with over 90 Scrum and Kanban teams across Europe. My mission is “make as many people stop working in IT industry as possible”. I don’t mean to optimize so much, that they won’t be needed anymore :) I just humbly follow Chinese saying “Do what you like, and one day, you will stop working”. The workshop will be in English unless, of course, there will be only Polish-speakers present :)
Participants (1):

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