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Android Tech Talks #19

Android Tech Talks #19
Event type:
12.04.2018 (thursday)
IG KnowHow
Kapelanka 42b 5p.
Strona www:

The next Android Tech Talks meetup is here!

Three presentations this time:

We will start getting some knowledge about TensorFlow.


Mateusz Budzar

Android Developer for over 4 years living in Wroclaw. He works at Droids On Roids on a daily basis. Enthusiast of clean code, speaker, blogger, co-organizer of GDG Wrocław and TOAST - Android Developers Meetup, basketball amateur, karateka, bookworm. Recently, he became very interested in the subject of Machine Learning and is developing in this direction. From tomorrow, he intends to eat healthy. His motto is "Hop, hop, buf, buf and act.


TensorFlow - Hot or not?


During the presentation, we'll learn how to use the TensorFlow library on Android. We will discuss the whole code on the example of the ‘Hot or not’ app. The app itself is pretty simple - we’re taking a picture and the app tells us if it’s hot or not. We will explain what the classifier is, how it was created, and how to create our own without creating it completely from scratch. We will also learn how to optimize our classifier to better suit the needs of mobile applications. After this presentation you’ll be able to create your own app with the use of TensorFlow.

After that we will have a chance to see some raw knowledge about building big apps from small apps in Android!


Mateusz Herych

Mateusz works at IG, where he is leading an Android team responsible for the main mobile trading platform - IG Trading. Our app was built over 7 years, by dozens of different developers across 3 different countries. Countless amount of features and fast pace over time did put us in a situation where our app was a giant monolithic monster, where changes are risky and even incremental compilation took like ages. This year however, by trying to accomplish a challenge of forking our main codebase into 3 different trading platforms, we managed to split it down into the feature-scoped modules, that are reusable across different end-user products that we maintain.


Android LEGO - building big apps from small apps


Hey Android dev out there! Ever found yourself in a situation when your app is a giant monolith project, where everything is coupled together, changes are risky and the incremental build takes ages? Yeah, so did I. Let me tell you how we solved this problem at IG.

Last but not least!

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