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Android Tech Talks #32

Android Tech Talks #32
Event type:
12.10.2021 (tuesday)
IG KnowHow
Kapelanka 42b 5p.
Strona www:

Hey everyone,

Long time no see.

Let's gather together for this first in-person Android Tech Talks meetup in a long time. Our speakers will prepare 3 presentations, check them out below.

Huge thanks to IG for hosting the event!


Wojtek Kaliciński - Android Developer Advocate @ Google

Extending the build - AGP APIs for plugin developers

Have you ever wished there was an easy way to programatically inject or change values in the merged manifest?

Or maybe you're looking for more flexibility than the Android DSL gives you for configuring variants of your build?

With the release of AGP 7.0, Android Gradle Plugin has a new set of stable APIs that Gradle plugin developers can depend on to customize the Android build with new functions, and even transform build artifacts in a safe and efficient manner, without the risk of breaking with each version or slowing down builds.

In this session, you'll learn the Gradle concepts required to take advantage of these new APIs, as well as see concrete examples of how to wire up your own Tasks to work with AGP.


Jarosław Michalik - Android Developer @ Tango Digital Agency

Idiomatic Kotlin in Tests

Unit tests are boring and maintaining them is complex? Sometimes. But it doesn't have to be this way.

To create great readable tests with ease we have to go further than standard Java tooling. To achieve that we can incorporate idiomatic Kotlin into test code. It will help us design tests to be both developer and machine friendly.

During the talk we will refactor step-by-step Java with JUnit test to Kotlin with Kotest. We will look at differences between various tools and we will check how test tech stack choices are influencing developer productivity.

I will show practical application of Kotlin idioms in test, including, but not limited to, assertions, mocking and test suite definition.


Miłosz Moczkowski - Android DevRel, Games @ Google

Modern Android Game Development

Is making games that much different than making apps?

This presentation is about developing games for Android from apps developer's perspective. We'll use popular and familiar tools to address some of the unique challenges a developer might face. In particular:

How to select the right tools and architecture for your game?

How to make your game cross-platform?

How to create UI in Jetpack Compose?

How to manage economy in Firebase?

How to streamline development process with Google Play?

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