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Building Great Startup Communities: A Chat with Investor & Author Brad Feld

Building Great Startup Communities: A Chat with Investor
Event type:
13.10.2020 (tuesday)
Online Event
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In 2012, Brad Feld (Co-Founder / Partner of Foundry Group, Co-Founder of Techstars) released Startup Communities; a book widely regarded as the seminal text for building supportive entrepreneurial ecosystems. In his latest book, The Startup Community Way (https://startupcw.com), Brad provides an updated guide and outlines seven core requirements to thriving startup ecosystems.

On this live online event, Jonathan Greechan (Co-Founder of the Founder Institute) will discuss with Brad the most recent best practices for building thriving startup ecosystems, and take questions from the audience.

If you are an entrepreneur, investor, community leader, policy maker, educator, or startup enthusiast, then don't miss this opportunity to hear from one of the world's foremost experts on startup communities.

>>> This is a live online event, with a heavy emphasis on Q&A. To register, please visit https://fi.co/startupwebinar/2603/ Please note that in order to guarantee attendance and get the video recording you must register at this link.

About the Speaker: Brad Feld


Brad Feld has been an early-stage investor and entrepreneur since 1987. Prior to co-founding Foundry Group, he co-founded Mobius Venture Capital and, prior to that, founded Intensity Ventures. Brad is also a co-founder of Techstars (http://techstars.com).

Brad is a writer and speaker on the topics of venture capital investing and entrepreneurship. He’s written a number of books as part of the Startup Revolution series and writes the blog Feld Thoughts (http://feld.com).

Brad holds Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Management Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Brad is also an art collector and long-distance runner. He has completed 25 marathons as part of his mission to finish a marathon in each of the 50 states.

His latest book, The Startup Community Way (https://startupcw.com), was released in July 2020.

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