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Code4Life: Expert Meetup #7 (SAP) - [Poznań]

Code4Life: Expert Meetup #7 (SAP) - [Poznań]
Event type:
27.06.2018 (wednesday)
Malta Office
ul. Baraniaka 88
Strona www:
  • 17:00 - 17:15 Welcome Intro & Warm Up
  • 17:15 - 17:45 “Supply chain end-to-end analytics” - Krzysztof Łabęcki

Analytical tools have proven time again that they can make your life easier. Using various integration scenarios and visualization solutions, you can deploy a range of new technologies to leverage your decentralized data. Harness their combined power to focus your project's direction, improve your processes, and reach your goals. During his talk, Krzysztof Łabęcki demonstrates how to use analytics to cope with complex scenarios, explains the key factors for data integration, and shows how to make visualizations truly meaningful.

Krzysztof has nearly 5 years of experience with various SAP products, including ERP, BI and SAP HANA. He has been with Roche since 2011, and currently focuses on in-memory computing technologies.

  • 17:45 - 18:00 Coffee Break

  • 18:00- 18:30 “Deploying Mobile to maintain production lines and equipment” - Piotr Szklarski

We demonstrate an innovative Maintenance and QUality solution using SAP Mobile Platform 3.0. The Mobile Maintenance app syncs with SAP to access Plant Maintenance and Quality Management modules on the fly, guaranteeing continuity and production quality. With SMP tech added in, we can also work offline on Windows and iOS devices if we lose network access, then resync data with SAP when we're back in wifi range. Check out our presentation to see how we put it all together!

Piotr Szklarski has worked in Roche's Manufacturing & Engineering divisions since 2010, working simultaneously with business partners as a Project Manager, as well as a Solution Architect and Lead Developer for app dev teams.

  • 18:30 - 18:50 “Real-time feedback in web apps”

Get feedback from your app users in real time! We'll show you how to make SAP Enterprise Portal apps work for you, to gather satisfaction ratings, comments and feedback rapidly and effectively.

  • 18:50 - ??? Feedback and Networking session

Our meetups are held in a relaxed atmosphere, so expect great food and great company among other friendly IT experts.

By registering to the Event – participants grant their consent to the use, by Roche Polska, of their image in photographic documentation of the Event and to its publication in communications of Roche Polska.

Stay tuned for more information about upcoming Events. We'll be hosting another meetup for SAP Experts in Warsaw on July 5th.


Code4Life Expert Meetups for SAP Experts!

Do you work with SAP products? If so, now's your chance to meet up with other people in the IT sector to exchange experience.

Wethers it's HANA, BI, Mobile or the Enterprise Portal, we've gathered a team of experts to talk you through some great ways to SAP tools in Roche.

We'll be meeting in Poznań on June 27th.

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