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Code4Life: Tech Meetup #12 (IT Business Analysts) - [Poznan]

Code4Life: Tech Meetup #12 (IT Business Analysts) - [Poznan]
Event type:
25.09.2018 (tuesday)
Malta Office
ul. Baraniaka 88
Strona www:
  • 18:00 - 18:05 Introduction and Warm-Up
  • 18:05 - 19:50 Business Analyst and User Experience specialists - dream team that makes products people will love

In their two-hour talk, Alicja Gasior and Małgorzata Papierz will explain the benefits of having both a Business Analyst and User Experience Specialist in your team. They’ll explain what BAs can learn from UX, why these roles must be separated, and how the two can work best together.

They will explain the unique skills of each role, and how deploying both in one team can achieve much greater success, based on their experiences in Roche.

Alicja and Małgorzata have also planned active participation for this event. Forget the standard mundane presentations and prepare to get your hands dirty, as Alicja and Małgorzata combine the powers of BAs and UX to look for practical solutions to real problems.

Alicja Gasior is Senior IT Business Analyst and joined Roche almost one year ago. She studied Spatial Economy and Graphic Design before discovering the world of IT. With more than 5 years’ experience as a BA, she has found a calling that matches her skills and interests. She is a deeply curious person with lots of interests and hobbies, but creating pretty things with her own hands gives her the most satisfaction.

Małgorzata Papierz is User Experience Expert and mentor, with 12 years of experience in the field of UX, gained in various companies. She joined Roche in 2015 and from the very start worked on design standards, training and processes.

  • 19:50 - 20:00 Feedback Session
  • 20:00 Meetup Closure & Afterpart

Limited seats are available! Don’t wait!


Do you work in IT? Are you interested in the field and want to meet with peers? Or maybe you just want to swap stories from the Information Technology War Zone?

If so, join us on the Code4Life Tech Meetups!

We bring together Experts from a wide range of IT fields to deliver excellent talks and share their knowledge.

You’ll also get the chance to see how we deploy technologies at one of Pharma industry’s biggest players.

On Tuesday 25th September, we’re meeting up in Poznan to discuss Business Analysis and User Experience - a match made in heaven!

Take part in an extended discussion on the merits of these two skillsets, then stay for the great food & drink we’re providing. There’s even free parking at the event to make it easier for you to meet us and your business peers.

Code4Life is family-friendly too, so feel free to bring your kids along so that you don’t miss out! We’ve prepared a special zone to keep them entertained while you meet with other professionals.

Join us on the Meetup. Build your network. Boost your knowledge.

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