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Data Community - Online meeting

Data Community - Online meeting
Event type:
26.03.2020 (thursday)
Polish , English
Online Event
On your computer
Strona www:
  • 19:00 - 19:10 - wprowadzenie
  • 19:10 - 20:10 - Kamil Nowiński - "Azure CosmosDB introduction"


W związku z wprowadzeniem w naszym kraju działań prewencyjnych wynikających z rozprzestrzeniającego się wirusa SARS-CoV-2, postanowiliśmy odwołać spotkania naszych lokalnych grup i zorganizować dla Was spotkania online.

Zapraszamy na pierwsze z nich.

Rejestracja — wydarzenie darmowe, bardzo prosimy jednak o rejestrację.

Link do spotkania - udostępnimy wkrótce


Azure CosmosDB introduction

Cosmos DB is Microsoft's globally distributed, multi-model database service. It's a database from NoSQL family, but it does not mean that SQL is not engaged in there. During the session, I will explain what is the service, how many different APIs we can use, how elastically you can scale throughput and storage and what kind of scenarios are good to go with this technology. The demo shows you how to start with Cosmos DB and what kind of things you should be aware of.

Bio prelegenta:

Kamil Nowinski

Altius, Principal Microsoft Consultant, Data Platform MVP

Blogger, speaker, #sqlfamily member. Data passionate, Data engineer and Architect.

Over 15 years of programming and experience with SQL Server databases (since 2000 version) he confirmed by certificates MCITP, MCP, MCTS, MCSA, MCSE Data Platform & Data management & analytics. He worked both as developer and administrator big databases designing systems from the scratch. Passionate about tuning database engines, code transparency and maximising performance database engine.

He ended the work of the architect in a project of building a data warehouse for the Ministry of finance in the e-duty program three years ago.

Currently, he is expanding new horizons as a contractor in the UK market, making troubleshooting, prototyping BI solutions, enhancing existing processes among Microsoft stuff environments, popularizing the DevOps approach and efficient solutions in the cloud.

He loves self-development, automation, explore new technology and share his knowledge with everybody who wants to.

From many years tied with Data Community Poland (former PLSSUG), between 2012 and 2018 acted as a Member of the Audit Committee. He worked a couple years as a volunteer and now as a co-organizer and speaker of the biggest SQL Server conference in Poland (SQLDay).

An originator of the "Ask SQL Family" podcast and founder of SQLPlayer blog.

Privately happy husband and father of two wonderful girls.

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