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Immutability Changes Everything!

Immutability Changes Everything!
Event type:
15.07.2015 (wednesday)
English , Polish
Tech Space
Leona Wyczółkowskiego 7
Strona www:
Meeting format (in case this is your first time attending): 1) Read the whitepaper before the meetup. All attendees are asked to read the whitepaper before the meeting, thanks to this we can have a well informed and interesting discussion on the subject. Don't worry if you don't understand everything in a paper, that's perfectly OK and also the goal of SCKRK – during the meetup we'll discuss and explain all the hard parts of a paper. 1.1) Optionally: when additional links to papers, blogs or videos are provided, you can watch / read them as well. These materials are not required to read, but usually are very interesting – esp. videos of talks prove to be very useful in grasping a paper if it's hard to wrap your head around 2) Attend the meetup. The meetup takes the form of a discussion group. There is no presenter! We do have one designated person who is well informed about the topic, but he/she will not be presenting the topic, but leading the discussion in case it needs some help. 2.1) Do not be afraid to show up and ask questions if you found the paper hard! That is precisely the point – we all read these papers and some of them are indeed really hard, then we ask within the group and discuss until we all understand it. There are no stupid questions – feel free to ask about anything that is unclear to you in the topic.
Topic for this meeting:
Immutability changes everything – Pat Helland
There is an inexorable trend towards storing and sending immutable data. We need immutability to coordinate at a distance and we can afford immutability, as storage gets cheaper. This paper is simply an amuse-bouche on the repeated patterns of computing that leverage immutability. Climbing up and down the compute stack really does yield a sense of déjà vu all over again.
Read this paper: http://www.cidrdb.org/cidr2015/Papers/CIDR15_Paper16.pdf Lifeguard: Konrad Malawski
Additional materials:
* Pat's excellent talk on the same subject: https://vimeo.com/52831373 * interesting comment to spark some discussions on highscalability.com: http://highscalability.com/blog/2015/1/26/paper-immutability-changes-everything-by-pat-helland.html

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