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Motorola Solutions Tech MeetUp: Podman: Unleashing the Power of Containerization

Motorola Solutions Tech MeetUp: Podman: Unleashing the Power of Containerization
Event type:
14.11.2023 (tuesday)
Polish , English
Browar Lubicz
ul. Lubicz 17J
Strona www:

Tech MeetUp: Podman: Unleashing the Power of Containerization

  • When: 14.11.2023
  • Where: Browar Lubicz, Kraków

Podman is an intriguing alternative to the popular Docker platform. During Meetup, we will showcase it, and provide a comprehensive exploration of containerization from foundational concepts to advanced practices.

Immerse yourself in a captivating environment where you can discover the distinctive features and capabilities of Podman while gaining invaluable insights from the creators themselves - the Redhat company.

#podman #docker #k8s #kubernetes #rootless #composers #oci


1 topic presented by Speaker Rafał Żelazko:

Containerize with Confidence: Leveraging Podman

About the topic: Are you familiar with Podman, an intriguing alternative to Docker that also offers support for the Kubernetes API? While Docker, containers, and Kubernetes have dominated the conversation in recent times, Podman deserves attention too. In this presentation, I will explore Podman's capabilities and showcase several fundamental use cases. We'll delve into building OCI images, executing them, and establishing communication between containers. Join me in discovering the potential of Podman as a powerful tool in containerization.

About the Speaker: Rafal is an experienced software developer with nearly two decades of industry experience. Throughout his career, he has successfully held roles as both a front-end and back-end developer. These diverse professional background includes working on numerous projects that extensively utilized containerization-related technologies.

2 topic presented by Speaker Mariusz Gajęcki:

7 Things About Podman Worth Know

About the topic: Even though Podman and docker are both used to create and manage containers, the architecture of those tools has significant differences. This impacts the way you can use them in rootless mode and what the possibilities are for integration with the operating system. In this presentation. Mariusz will provide a short introduction to Podman rootless containers, Quadlet, CDI (Container Device Interface), and a short overview of various OCI Runtimes you can use with Podman.

About the Speaker: Mariusz is an engineer with more than 15 years of experience in adjusting and delivering Linux/RHEL for Public Safety Systems. Throughout his career, he has successfully held roles of Technical Lead and an Architect. For the last few years, he is focused on containerization. This includes working with numerous teams and projects on migration to container-based solutions

Our special guest during the Tech MeetUp will be Preska Sharma from Redhat ! Preska is an Account Solutions Architect who will cover the topic: Podman: Edge and Beyond

Registration - https://app.evenea.pl/event/techmeetup/

Join us on Tuesday (14.11) at Browar Lubicz. The meeting will start at 6 pm

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