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Scala Summer Camp #1: Using Functional State in Actors

Scala Summer Camp #1: Using Functional State in Actors
Event type:
22.07.2019 (monday)
Ocado Polska Sp z o.o.
Pawia 9
Strona www:

Scala Summer Camp is back! It's a series of 3h long functional programming workshops in July, August, and September.

#1: Using Functional State in Actors


During this workshop, you will move the logic from actors into pure functions. You will see the benefits of the logic implemented in a composable, side-effect-free way. During refactoring, you will also learn how to use the state monad.

The workshop is based on a project that keeps all of the business logic inside actors. Our goal will be to refactor actors into a monad state. The changes will make the application more testable and comprehensible.

This event is open for all beginner-level Scala programmers.


- your own laptop,

- sbt installed,

- git installed.

Internet connectivity, pizza, and drinks will be provided.

About your instructor: Krzysztof Otrębski (https://twitter.com/kotrebski)


Krzysztof is a software developer with 10 years of professional experience. Having spent many years on Java programming and problem-solving, he has developed useful tools that make a programmer’s life easier. He is also a founder of a few open-source projects.

About Scala Summer Camp


Scala Summer Camp was initiated in 2017. Its main objective is to popularize techniques that lead to more maintainable software. It aims to attract coders at each level of experience.

This year we are planning to host several workshops on different topics. Here's a list of topics that we want to cover:

- Using Functional State in Actors (this workshop),

- Refactoring Imperative to Functional,

- Abstracting over IO,

- Consistency using ZIO STM,

- Simplifying services using Service Mesh,

- Optimizing services using recursion schemes & IO.

They will all be held during workweek afternoons. Please keep an eye out for invitations, because the number of places is limited.

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