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TechSpot PL: Software Architecture meetup

TechSpot PL: Software Architecture meetup
Event type:
19.10.2022 (wednesday)
HubHub Nowogrodzka Square
Aleje Jerozolimskie 93
Strona www:
  • 18:30 Doors open. Snacks, drinks, rock'n'roll!
  • 19:00 "Use principles of psychology to build better software", Rachel Appel, Developer Advocate @JetBrains
  • 19:45 Coffee/Juice/Beer Break
  • 20:00 "Architecture — the important stuff. Whatever that is", Roman Bugaev, CTO @Flo Health App
  • 20:45 "DDD 101", Alexandre Fedossov, Team Lead @Orca Security


Ready to dive deeper into the essence of systems and processes? Join TechSpot PL: Software Architecture meetup in Warsaw to discuss distributed systems challenges with superior experts!

We will explore the architecture design from every possible angle: architectural approaches, implementation practices and cognitive science ideas applicable to architecture.

Registration via Google Form or click "Attend" on Meetup.com

October, 19 | 19:00 | HubHub (al. Jerozolimskie 93)


  • "Use principles of psychology to build better software" — Rachel Appel, Developer Advocate @JetBrains

We make software for humans. So we must understand how humans work to design the best software possible. We don’t need to be psychologists or anthropologists, but we do need to know a few things about what makes users do what they do when it comes to software. So come to this session, where you’ll learn how to apply critical thinking to developing software solutions and designing digital products. You’ll learn about what makes users behave in certain ways and how you can design software with those behaviors and biases in mind. With this knowledge you can provide the best possible experience while you meet your goals. Bonus: It’s not just the users’ behaviors and biases we need be concerned with. You’ll learn how those same behaviors and biases can affect the productivity and functioning of your team – from communications to meetings to code. And how to properly mitigate them.

  • "Architecture — the important stuff. Whatever that is" — Roman Bugaev, CTO @Flo Health App

Roman will cover the topic of architecture of an app with 50M monthly active users & over 250M overall downloads. How do we keep it all in tact? How has it changed & improved since 2018? What have been our biggest successes, biggest losses, and greatest learning opportunities? He will cover it all and more, so don’t miss out!

  • "DDD 101" — Alexandre Fedossov, Team Lead @Orca Security

What is domain-driven design? What problems can it solve and how does serve the business? With Alexandre Fedossov we will brush up on the basic terminology, strategic and tactic patterns of DDD and specify the place of DDD in architecture. After this talk, you will figure out how to dive into DDD effectively.

 We warmly welcome Architects, Team Leads, DevOps engineers, Developers participating/desiring to participate in the architecture, and other specialists interested in distributed systems building. Join us!

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