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Test Dive 2018

Test Dive 2018
Event type:
18.10.2018 (thursday)
Multikino Kraków
ul. Dobrego Pasterza 128
Strona www:

The 2nd edition of Test Dive Conference is coming! Join us on 18th of October 2018!

Nokia Kraków R&D Center has the pleasure to invite you to the 2nd edition of the Test Dive Conference, where the main goal is to integrate the scientific community with the business world in the areas of test automation, security and work methodology.

The event is meant for all software testing enthusiasts, experts and IT students.

This year’s edition offers three themes: Automation, Security and Agile methodology in tests. During each theme, you’ll have the chance to hear the following Experts and Stars:

  • Joel Oliveira - IoT? What does it mean for Testers
  • Dawid Bałut - DevSecOps implementation, i.e. how to convert software engineers into security advocates!
  • Aleksandar Ristić - Testing - expense or investment
  • Michał Sajdak - Hacking IoT
  • Tomasz Dubikowski - 7 Deadlier Sins of Quality
  • Karolina Zmitrowicz - If you cannot measure it you cannot control it - measuring quality of requirements
  • Petra Boušková - Motivated in all career stages - A Software Testers Tale?
  • Ewa Marchewka - Why testing is important? 6 software catastrophes and how they could have been avoided
  • Dusanca Lecic - Performance testing - which tool I need to use
  • Harry Girlea - 13 vs 18, who says “we” cannot be “you”
  • Maciej Wyrodek - AntiPrinciples in test automation.
  • Bartłomiej Bugajny - How to automate visual testing of Web Applications - look & feel
  • Aleksandra Kornecka - Cognitive testing in shift left mindset
  • Łukasz Kumaszka - Acceptance Test Driven Development. The story of a team becoming succesful in delivering the right software
  • Karol Przystalski - Machine learning in test automation
  • Michał Bentkowski - XSS - why is it noteworthy?
  • Joanna Adamek - Are we agile enough? The keys to smart agility in a big organization. 
  • Grzegorz Latuszek - Slow Food, Slow Code

The conference will take place on the 18th of October in Krakow in Multikino located at Dobrego Pasterza 128 Street

Participants (1):

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