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The Rolling Scopes Gdańsk #30

The Rolling Scopes Gdańsk #30
Event type:
28.09.2016 (wednesday)
Business Center Olivia Six
Grunwaldzka 472D, 80-309 Gdańsk, Poland; 7th floor (reception)
Strona www:
  • 18:00 - INTRODUCTION OF THE ROLLING SCOPES - Alexander Gerasimov, Dzmitry Varabei, Vadzim Yakushau
  • 18:10 - TYPESCRIPT AND WHAT'S THE HACK JAVASCRIPT - Vadzim Yakushau - TypeScript is amazing/awful! What about ES6? How to use and when, what to choose? Introduction to the future of Javascript, how it fits with NodeJS. Compilation processes, must know things.
  • 18:45 - COFFEE BREAK
  • 18:50 - YES, YOU CAN USE WEB COMPONENTS IN PRODUCTION - David Ferreira - How to keep the application well structured and organized to start developing Web Components? How to implement quickly the 4 web components specifications: Custom elements, HTML Imports, Templates, Shadow DOM. Finally David will share how to use it in Production.
  • 19:20 - COFFEE BREAK
  • 19:25 - SERVERLESS ARCHITECTURE: FUNCTIONS AS A SERVICE - Dzmitry Varabei, Siarhei Melnik - What is Serverless and why is it worth considering? How this paradigm for developing and deploying is connected to JavaScript and Node.js? The benefits and drawbacks. Implementation Using Amazon Web Services.
  • 19:55 - COFFEE BREAK
  • 20:00 - DESIGNERS AT THE LAB - Dafna Sharabi - Designers in the Lab is the story of a team of designers from the Wix Studio, who embark on an adventure in the unknown territory of trend prediction. In this talk I’ll explain how designers view the world; why is it they get so emotional about pixels; what does it have to do with research methods and trend prediction; and how adapting work methods from different industries can help you inspire the future of our own.
  • 20:35 - CSS QUICKDRAW - Alexander Gerasimov - Your CSS is fast, but are you? Can you survive in the Wild West of front-end? Test your reflexes and stylesheet skills in a multiplayer game. Compete against your friends and colleagues to prove you have true CSS grit! (Please bring your laptop!)
  • 21:00 - BEER.JSTBD
Więcej informacji o tym wydarzeniu dostępne jest w języku angielskim: The Rolling Scopes – Front-end/JavaScript developers community. Want to give a talk or conduct a workshop? Eager to give a shout-out for your open source project or share your success story? Ready to preach the must-know fundamentals of Web, JavaScript, CSS, etc.?

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