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[WAW] 31 spotkanie Microsoft Azure User Group w Warszawie

[WAW] 31 spotkanie Microsoft Azure User Group w Warszawie
Event type:
13.03.2019 (wednesday)
Al. Jerozolimskie 96
Strona www:
  • 18:00-18:10 Powitanie
  • 18:10-18:55 Beata Zalewa - "Fishing in an Azure Data Lake"
  • 18:55-19:05 Przerwa
  • 19:05-19:50 Jakub Dropia - "Scalable, distributed IoT Solution using IoT Hub and Microsoft Orleans"
  • 19:50-20:15 Pizza
  • 20:15-21:00 Dariusz Parzygnat, Łukasz Przerada - "Czy korzystanie z Azure Functions to zawsze najlepsze rozwiązanie?"

Zapraszam serdecznie na kolejne spotkanie grupy Azure w Warszawie. Tym razem poruszymy dość szeroki zakres tematów. Zaczynamy od Azure Data Lake Store, następnie porozmawiamy o Microsoft Orleans, a na ostatniej sesji usłyszymy o Azure Funstions od autorów książki "Serverless na platformie Azure".

Opisy sesji:

  • Beata Zalewa - "Data Lake in it’s most basic form is a generic data repository – it can store large quantities of data from many different sources in their original formats. In Data Lake can be stored machine-generated data (Internet of Things, Log files, Sensor readings), human-generated data (Tweets, blogs, emails), traditional operational data (Sales, Inventory, Ticketing), images, audio and video.

The next generation of Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) has arrived. ADLS Gen2 is the combination of the current ADLS (now called Gen1) and Blob storage. ADLS Gen2 is built on Blob storage and will have all the features of both, which means it will have features such as limitless storage capacity, support all Blob tiers (Hot, Cool, and Archive), the new lifecycle management feature, Azure Active Directory integration, hierarchical file system, and read-access geo-redundant storage. It provides a Hadoop compatible file system interface for Blob Storage optimized for Hadoop and Spark. In this session, we dive into the architecture of ADLS Gen 2, show demos on how you can working with it today as well as covering integration with other technologies, and more."

  • Jakub Dropia - "Microsoft Orleans is virtual actor based framework, which allow to write scalable, distributed application in safer manner.

I would like to show you it's usage in IoT scenario to handle telemetry from thousends devices."

  • Dariusz Parzygnat, Łukasz Przerada - "Każdy widział już implementację funkcji opartej o HttpTrigger. Czy to wszystko na co stać Azure Functions? Postaramy się opowiedzieć o kilku bardziej zaawansowanych konceptach oraz bazując na przykładach odpowiemy na pytanie: czy korzystanie z funkcji to zawsze najlepsze rozwiązanie."

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