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IT talk: Java Edition

IT talk: Java Edition
Typ wydarzenia:
14.02.2019 (czwartek)
polski , angielski
Dataart Wrocław
Plac Grunwaldzki 23
Strona www:
  • 6.00 PM - 6.05 PM - Start
  • 6.05 PM - 6.50 PM - Grzegorz Szymański, Java Sofware Engineer, DataArt, Lublin [PL]
  • 6.50 PM - 7.00 PM - Coffee break
  • 7.00 PM - 7.45 PM - Your speech can be here! If you are ready to prepare a speech or a lighting talk, please, send your proposal to: [email protected]
  • 7.45 PM - 8.00 PM - Networking

We're going to meet for the first time in 2019 on the 14th of February! Yes, we know that it's St. Valentine's Day, that's why we'd like to propose you spending this evening with Java (which all of us are in love with!).

Also, we're happy to announce our special guest: Grzegorz Szymanski from DataArt Lublin. Last time, he visited Wrocław to talk about Hystrix. On the 14th of February, he's going to join us again for the IT talk and present a brand new topic, prepared especially for the occasion.

«Reactive programming with Java and Spring»

In this talk, we'll discuss the pros and cons of the reactive approach to programming, covering the following questions:

  • What is Reactive Programming about?
  • How is it different from the traditional approach?
  • What does it mean full reactive stack and why this is so important?
  • What are the benefits and downsides of both approaches?
  • When should you consider Reactive Programming?
  • Which parts are missing?We will walk through the most important aspects with live coding examples.

Grzegorz Szymański, Java Sofware Engineer, DataArt, Lublin

Grzegorz started his adventure with computers in 1989, when his dad bought Commodore 64 to play chess with it. He has been working in Java for over 10 years now. Grzegorz is a big fan of statically typed programming languages, clean code, and reliable solutions. He believes that a good programmer needs to be open-minded and continually improve his workshop by learning new things.

Language: English/Polish.

FREE ENTRANCE! Unfortunately, we have a limited number of places. Please, fill the registration form and wait for our next email.

We host IT talk at our office (map).

The event will be broadcasted on our YouTube channel.

IT talk is an open community, where anyone interested in IT industry can participate. We do not focus on specific technologies. At our meetings we will feature presentations for project managers, developers (.NET, JavaScript, JAVA, etc.), we will touch on testing issues.

IT talk is a real opportunity for professionals, teachers, students and novice developers to exchange news, share technical solutions, present them at the seminars to colleagues and everyone interested.

Any participant can become a speaker at the community meeting and talk about their experience, views, company.

Więcej informacji: https://dataart-it-talk-2019-java.evenea.pl/

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