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LJUG SoftwareMill’s JUG tour!

LJUG SoftwareMill’s JUG tour!
Typ wydarzenia:
20.11.2019 (środa)
polski , angielski
Duża aula
Instyt Informatyki UMCS
Strona www:
  • Jacek Kunicki - How not to use Reactive Streams in Java 9+
  • Piotr Hejwowski - Private Blockchain - does anyone even need it?


As SoftwareMill turns 10, let’s celebrate!

We’re happy to join Lublin JUG on the 20th of November, 2019 with the following presentations:

Jacek Kunicki

How not to use Reactive Streams in Java 9+


Reactive Streams is a standard for asynchronous data processing in a streaming fashion with non-blocking backpressure. Starting from Java 9, they have become a part of the JDK in the form of the java.util.concurrent.Flow interfaces.

Having the interfaces at hand may tempt you to write your own implementations. Surprising as it may seem, that’s not what they are in the JDK for.

In this session we’re going to go through the basic concepts of reactive stream processing and see how (not) to use the APIs included in JDK 9+. Plus we’re going to ponder the possible directions in which JDK’s Reactive Streams support may go in the future.

Jacek Kunicki

I'm a passionate software engineer living in the JVM land - mainly, but not limited to. I also tend to play with electronics and hardware. When sharing my knowledge, I always keep in mind that a working example is worth a thousand words.

Piotr Hejwowski

Private Blockchain - does anyone even need it?


"Blockchain" - currently one of the biggest buzzwords in IT.

Is it bright shining future or another overrated word ?

What problem is it trying to solve ?

Does Blockchain == Bitcoin ?

Is private blockchain only about writing smart contracts or not ?

In this talk we're trying to answer those questions. The flight plan is :

- Meet key foundations of Blockchain

- Get to know the difference between public and private networks

- Reason about its use cases

- Get to know a little bit of private blockchain implementation -> Hyperledger Fabric

- ~Extra goodies~

Buckle up and get ready for a quick Blockchain tour ;)

Piotr Hejwowski

Software developer at SoftwareMill. Constantly seeking for elegant, but powerful solutions for a given business problem. Likes learning new things and going deeper into already known technologies. After hours an avid rock climber and traveler that enjoys good coffee and lying his couch.

SoftwareMill https://softwaremill.com/

SoftwareMill is a custom software development company. We have been delivering services remotely and worldwide for 10 years. Our specialisation is distributed systems, big data, blockchain, machine learning , and data analytics. We specialise in Scala, Kafka, Akka, and Cassandra, among other technologies. We focus on quality, self-improvement and a true engineering approach.

Join the meetup. We’re looking forward to meeting you :)

Więcej informacji: https://www.meetup.com/Lublin-Java-User-Group/events/263462769/

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