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Vincit's guide to microservices & SAP through eyes of Java developer

Typ wydarzenia:
Java , SAP
22.11.2023 (środa)
polski , angielski
Jana Henryka Dąbrowskiego 79A
Strona www:

Get ready for an exhilarating evening of insights and knowledge-sharing as we join forces with Vincit, a trailblazing digital business agency, to bring you an exclusive Java User Group meeting like never before!

This time around, our Java User Group meeting will be breaking the language barrier and going mostly English! Fear not, our usual Polish banter will be missed, but don't worry, it's just the start of some language exploration. While the next one might still be in Polish, who knows, we might sprinkle in some English charm again in the future!

Event Highlights

12 Ways to Ruin a Microservice Architecture

Do you want to hear what sorts of challenges await you when you're about to start building a microservice based application? If yes, this is the presentation for you!

The presentation outlines 12 challenges, ways to misuse, and failures related to microservices, from an architectural point of view. Learn from the mistakes of others so you don't have to pull your hair out with this complex architecture style. Content warning: includes bad humor.

Mikko Karttunen

Mikko is a wide custom software development generalist, having worn the hats of a fullstack web developer, scrum master, project lead, architect and presales consultant, often at the same time. On the tech side Mikko is most familiar with Node, Angular, AWS and Postgres, but finds all aspects of software work interesting. Currently he wears the hat of a cell lead for more than 30 people, and the hat of a project lead on the side.

Navigating the world of SAP as a Java developer

As an experienced Java programmer, I entered the world of SAP. In my presentation I would like to show what SAP Commerce Cloud looks like.

We will see what it looks like from the inside and outside. We'll see what's cool about it and what's not. You will decide for yourself whether you want to become a SAP Commerce Cloud developer.

On this meeting he will guide you through mysterious world of SAP Commerce Cloud and customer journey.

Paweł Koziorowski

Paweł is a highly dedicated developer with 15 years of experience, focused on web applications. We can describe him as a customer obsessed SAP wizard, continuously improving while injecting a dose of fun.

About Vincit

Vincit is a digital business agency that is home to 800 people passionate about making better mondays for businesses, people and the planet. With offices in Poznań, Finland, Sweden, Portugal and the USA, we are an international community of experts with diverse backgrounds. Our employee centric values have earned us several Great Place to Work wins in Finland and in Europe. For Java developers we offer opportunities in open source software development and also in SAP related projects.

Why Attend?

  • Gain invaluable insights from the experts at Vincit
  • Explore the challenges and triumphs of microservice architecture
  • Explore the SAP world through the eyes of a Java developer
  • Network with fellow Java enthusiasts

Secure your spot now for an evening of enlightenment, laughter, and the chance to revolutionize your Java journey! RSVP today and let's make this Java User Group meeting one for the books!

Call for Presentations: Share Your Java Journey!

We believe that every Java enthusiast has a story to tell, and we want to hear yours! If you're passionate about a Java-related topic, share your expertise with our community. Send us your presentation ideas, and let's make the next JUG meeting even more diverse and exciting!

How to Submit?

  • Submit your your presentation proposal through our Google Form
  • Include a title & a brief description of your talk

Why Present?

  • Showcase your Java knowledge to a vibrant community
  • Connect with like-minded Java enthusiasts
  • Be a part of shaping the future of our Java User Group events

Więcej informacji: https://www.meetup.com/Poznan-Java-User-Group/events/297240991/
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