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#140 TG-NET Meeting

#140 TG-NET Meeting
Event type:
09.03.2023 (thursday)
olivia business center, O4 conference center, Budynek 4, parter
al. Grunwaldzka 472a
  • Presentation 1: 18:00 : Alexander Tymchenko – 1 year of Event sourcing with CosmosDb in production. Was it a right call? [English language]
  • Presentation 2: 19:00 : Adam Furmanek – Locks are tricky — let's understand them by building one [English language]
  • Presentation 3: 20:15 : Pizza & Discussions – Sponsored by InterLogic

Presentation 1: 18:00 Alexander Tymchenko - 1 year of Event sourcing with CosmosDb in production. Was it a right call? [English language]


We often here about CQRS and event sourcing in articles or twitter posts but usually don’t have enough time or will to implement it. So our team has tries it.

This talk will cover theoretical aspects of the approach and how it worked out in practice. A little bit of self-reflection and sharing the experience.


My name is Sasha, I was working for InterLogic for over 5 years, my current role is Lead Solution architect in Lobyco (https://lobyco.com/)). We build software for retailers and our secret sauce is that almost every feature works in real-time.

I love agile solutions, that solve problems in time-efficient way, without overcomplications and tech compromises.

On my spare time I love playing D&D and doomscrolling twitter feed.

Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert

That's me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexander-tymchenko-258b57109/

Presentation 2: 19:00 : Adam Furmanek – Locks are tricky — let's understand them by building one [English language]]


We're often told that message passing is better than sharing the memory and protecting it with critical sections. But why? Can't we just use lock keyword and call it a day? What can go wrong?

In this talk we'll delve into concurrency primitives to understand how they work and what risks they bring. We'll understand async magic. Finally, we'll build a couple of custom primitives, for both non-async and async world in C#.


I am Adam Furmanek, and I am a professional software engineer with over a decade of experience. In my career, I worked with all layers of the software engineering and multiple types of applications, including logistics, e-commerce, machine learning, data analysis, and database management. I am always interested in digging deeper, exploring machine code, and going through implementation details to better understand the internals of the technologies I use every day. That's why I like debugging, decompiling and disassembling the code to understand memory models, concurrency problems and other details hidden deeply inside. In my free time, I play ping-pong, watch Woody Allen's movies and blog stuff at http://blog.adamfurmanek.pl

Thank you very much our sponsors:

- EPAM: Conference room for our Group

- Volue: Meetup subscription

- InterLogic: Pizza

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