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Don't be scared, it's just frontend – meetup at Techie’s by Codete & Cloudinary

Event type:
18.11.2021 (thursday)
Polish , English
Techie's by Codete
Na Zjeździe 11, 30-527 Kraków

Don't be scared, it's just frontend – meetup at Techie’s by Codete & Cloudinary

WHAT: Frontend meetup – offline!

WHEN: 18.11.2021 at 6pm 

WHERE: Techie’s by Codete (Na Zjeździe 11, Kraków)

FREE TICKETS: https://bit.ly/frontend-meetup-techies-register

Come visit the new exciting space for tech crowd Techie’s by Codete & join our meetup for

frontend tips & tricks, offline networking, snacks & drinks!

Codete’s developers Mateusz Bryła & Bartosz Szewczyk will talk about promises (there’ll be a quiz!) and code refactoring toolkit.


So you know promises, huh? by Mateusz Bryła

Everyone knows promises. Everyone uses promises. Do you know them well? Join us in an interactive quiz trying to make you doubt your own knowledge. Are you up to the challenge? Can you reach the perfect score? (PS all the answers will be explained.)

Code refactoring toolkit by Bartosz Szewczyk

Rewriting code can be difficult, and in the JavaScript community there is still no established go-to tool to easily automate this process. When we need to rewrite a large code base, it’s good to know what our options are and what they offer in terms of capabilities and complexity.

Three approaches to this problem that I will discuss are: regular expressions (proven but not very popular), codemods (with seemingly high entry level but powerful), and one still not very known tool – Comby.dev.

You will get to learn the basics as well as pros and cons of each of these tools, so that you’re going to be prepared the next time you are faced with the task of rewriting a large amount of code.


Mateusz Bryła – Programmer trying to let his creativity run free without limits. Coding for over six years, as a senior for over three. Occasional speaker (vSphere, CodeteCON, SkładQA, Agile Swarming and others), music lover, hopeless traveler. Currently working with Codete as a team lead for Cloudinary – a company that has taken image delivery to a whole new level. Hates to be bored and to bore others, so expect something interesting.

Bartosz Szewczyk – Frontend developer at Codete with a passion for simple solutions to non-trivial problems. Lover of improving work tools and reading other people's code. In his free time, he’s a runner and tap dancer. He also enjoys creating simple 2D games using the Unity engine.


We’re all super excited about finally meeting face to face, but please stay safe and remember about the sanitary precautions, such as keeping distance and hand sanitizing. Thank you!

Organizers: Codete & Cloudinary.

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