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113. KGD.NET - Warm Up be4 DevConf 2018

113. KGD.NET - Warm Up be4 DevConf 2018
Typ wydarzenia:
26.09.2018 (środa)
Klub Prominent
Kamienna 17

Zapraszamy na 113. spotkanie Krakowskiej Grupy Developerów .NET.

Stało się to już tradycją, że co roku we wrześniu organizujemy spotkanie z udziałem prelegentów uczestniczących w DevConf (http://devconf.pl/).

Spotkanie to jest swego rodzaju before party dla DevConf.


Spotkanie rozpoczynamy o pół godziny wcześniej niż zwykle czyli o 18:00, ponieważ zaraz po naszym spotkaniu Prelegenci jadą na inne spotkanie w własnym gronie, na które nie chcą się spóźnić.

W tym roku wystąpią u nas:

  • Tomasz Pęczek - "Real-time capabilities in ASP.NET Core web applications beyond (or besides) SignalR"
  • Vladimir Dejanovic - "REST API vs gRPC, Which One Should You Use in Breaking a Monolith"

Real-time capabilities in ASP.NET Core web applications beyond (or besides) SignalR

Today's users attention span is very short, so our applications needs to be as real-time as possible. This talk wants to give you tools to achieve that. As the title suggests, it's not about SignalR (it might be mentioned, but that's all). It will walk through native technologies like WebSockets, Server-Sent Events and Push API based notifications. It will show how to use them, compare them and suggest when to use which by exploring their strong and weak sides.

Tomasz Pęczek - Developer, blogger, speaker and open source author/contributor focused on Web Development in context of ASP.NET (Core) platform. For more than 10 years he has been creating web applications for health care, banking or e-learning industries. Currently he works in Oracle as an applications architect where his main areas of responsibility are web applications performance and security. Microsoft MVP in Visual Studio and Development Technologies category.

REST API vs gRPC, Which One Should You Use in Breaking a Monolith

You heard of “new thing” called gRPC and promises that it will solve all issues for you, so now you are not sure if you should use it for breaking up your monolith to Microservices. If it is good for Google it should be good for you also right?On the other hand, you have been using REST API’s for some time now, at least as a consumer, so maybe this would be better approach in Microservices waters, or would it?

Which one to chose and which one will fit your use case better?

Join me in this talk were I will try to explain both approaches, good and bad. I will give some points and tips, which will help you in understanding better which one will be better for you. By doing this I will also share some best practices for both approaches.

Vladimir Dejanovic - Founder and leader of AmsterdamJUG.

Software Architect ,Team Lead and IT Consultant working in industry since 2006 developing high performance software in multiple programming languages and technologies from desktop to mobile and web with high load traffic.

Enjoining developing software mostly in Java and JavaScript, however also wrote fair share of code in Scala, C++, C, PHP, Go, Objective-C, Python, R, Lisp and many others.

Always interested in cool new stuff, Free and Open Source software.

Like giving talks at conferences like JavaOne 2016, JavaOne 2017, Devoxx BE, Devoxx US, Devoxx PL, Devoxx MA, Devoxx FR, JavaLand, Java Day Istanbul, Java Day Minks, Voxxed Days Bristol, Voxxed Days Bucharest, Voxxed Days Belgrade, Voxxed Days Cluj-Napoca, GeeCON and others.

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