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Functional Programming Wrocław: Type Classes in Scala

Functional Programming Wrocław: Type Classes in Scala
Typ wydarzenia:
19.04.2017 (środa)
polski , angielski
Instytut Informatyki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, sala 25
ul. Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 15

1. Type Classes in Scala

The presentation introduces you to flexible and powerful concept, which will extend functionality of your code without tight binding. The basic information and suggestion about implementation tactics for Type Classes in Scala will be presented and discussed. Also, the usage of TC in open source will be shown.

Łukasz Indykiewicz is a developer with passion for coding.

Started his professional work as a Java Software Engineer, but since end of 2014 writes functional code in Scala.

Co-organizer of the Chamberconf, speaker to be and regular technical meetups listener.

Always keen to hear about interesting ideas.

2. Type Classes in Haskell

Why bother? What it is and why it was invented. How it works. Do we really need a new kind of classes? We will try to answer those questions briefly.We will mention basic constructs of Haskell typeclass, elementary built-in typeclasses and most widely used. From a beginner to beginners, no PhD required. 

Paweł Sączawa is always curious how things work and why they were designed this way. FP apprentice, fresh Haskell enthusiast. He is currently working professionally in Scala for Scalac. 


1. Type Classes in Scala

The presentation introduces you to flexible and powerful concept, which will extend functionality of your code without tight binding. The basic information and suggestion about implementation tactics for Type Classes in Scala will be presented and discussed. Also, the usage of TC in open source will be shown.

Łukasz Indykiewicz is a developer with passion for coding.

Started his professional work as a Java Software Engineer, but since end of 2014 writes functional code in Scala.

Co-organizer of the Chamberconf, speaker to be and regular technical meetups listener.

Always keen to hear about interesting ideas.

2. Type Classes in Haskell

Why bother? What it is and why it was invented. How it works. Do we really need a new kind of classes? We will try to answer those questions briefly.We will mention basic constructs of Haskell typeclass, elementary built-in typeclasses and most widely used. From a beginner to beginners, no PhD required. 

Paweł Sączawa is always curious how things work and why they were designed this way. FP apprentice, fresh Haskell enthusiast. He is currently working professionally in Scala for Scalac. 

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