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IT talk: API Testing

IT talk: API Testing
Event type:
15.02.2018 (thursday)
Dataart Wrocław
Plac Grunwaldzki 23
  • 5.45 PM - 6.00 PM
  • 6.00 PM - 7.00 PM - API Testing. Part 1. Theory.
  • 7.00 PM - 7.15 PM - Coffee break
  • 7.15 PM - 8.15 PM - API Testing. Part 2. How to use API Testing. Example.
  • 8.15 PM - 9.00 PM - Networking

DataArt is happy to invite you to the next IT talk in Wroclaw!

Let's start this year from a topic for QA specialist. On our first meeting will be focused on expanding your automation testing knowledge. Meeting is dedicated for specialists who wants to change their specialization from Manual Tester to Automation QA and for those specialist who are working as an Automation QA but never use API Testing before.

API Testing. Streamline your testing process. A step by step tutorial - by Andrii Olieinik

More details - TBA.

Andrii Olieinik, Senior QA Automation Engineer, PhD, DataArt.

Andrii tests various projects from web services and web UI to desktop and mobile applications. He has worked with various technologies, platforms, and programming languages (Java, Ruby etc.). Over his ten years of relevant experience, Andrey has participated in projects using the Scrum methodology, and has had the opportunity to work in waterfall projects. Some time ago he was so interested in water physics that he even wrote a whole thesis about it.

Language: English.

FREE ENTRANCE! Unfortunately, we have a limited number of places. Please, fill the registration form and wait for our next email.

IT talk to otwarta społeczność, w której mogą wziąć udział wszyscy zainteresowani branżą IT. Nie koncentrujemy się na konkretnych technologiach. Na naszych spotkaniach przedstawimy prezentacje dla kierowników projektów, programistów (.NET, JavaScript, JAVA itp.), Poruszymy kwestie testowe.

IT talk to prawdziwa okazja dla profesjonalistów, nauczycieli, studentów i początkujących programistów do wymiany informacji, dzielenia się rozwiązaniami technicznymi, prezentowania ich na seminariach kolegom i wszystkim zainteresowanym.

Każdy uczestnik może zostać mówcą na spotkaniu społeczności i porozmawiać o swoich doświadczeniach, poglądach, firmie.

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