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Bydgoszcz JUG - meetup #26

Bydgoszcz JUG - meetup #26
Typ wydarzenia:
28.03.2019 (czwartek)
Biblioteka UKW
ul. K.Szymanowskiego 3 Bydgoszcz

Zapraszamy na #26 spotkanie Bydgoszcz JUG, które odbędzie się w czwartek,[masked] o godzinie 18:00 jak zawsze w Bibliotece UKW.

Nasi prelegenci przybliżą nam następujące tematy:

#1 => "Managing Business Processes in Microservice Architecture with Spring Ecosystem"

Thousands of companies around the world try to identify, automate and optimize their business processes. Buying an off-the-shelf solution is often a first choice, and it's no surprise - shiny diagrams, workflows, process history, reports are just a few examples of what the business is looking for. At the same time, in the era of agile software development, we learned how utilize DDD and microservices to deliver products better and quicker. Can we have a BPM suite, then, that will both meet business expectations and suit microservice and agile development approaches?

In this presentation I will share with you my story about Business Process Management, showing you the possibilities of bringing BPM and microservices together. We will look at this topic from perspectives of business, architecture, development and tools. We will try to answer most frequent questions and doubts, including security, traceability, transaction handling, delivery, etc. You will also see how to implement proposed solutions with Spring goodies and Apache Kafka.

Prezentację poprowadzi:

  • Bartłomiej Słota

Software engineer and consultant at Bottega IT Minds. Speaker, and blogger at bartslota.blogspot.com. Passionate about OOP, software craftsmanship, microservices and software architecture. An enthusiast of Event Storming and close cooperation with business. In personal life - a husband and a father. Loves heavy metal music, guitar playing, angling and trekking.

#2 => "Event-Driven Architecture Traps"

Event-driven architectures (EDA) have become more popular by the day. Organizations see a great value in them, and developers love how EDA help to grow, scale, and mirror what really happens in the business domain.

However, most developers are not familiar with this kind of architecture, which can lead to common pitfalls that we'll examine in this webinar. We'll also cover a broad set of buzzwords like: exactly-once delivery, Kafka Streams, CQRS, and Spring Cloud Stream.

There will be live coding, which will require basic knowledge about distributed systems and Spring Cloud.

Prezentację poprowadzi:

  • Jakub Pilimon

Jakub is Spring Developer Advocate at Pivotal, blogger, passionate programmer and trainer. He loves to tackle complex enterprises with Domain Driven Design, Test Driven Development and Spring. Being a microservice freak, architecture is his main area of interest too. When he does not program he rides motorbike, skis or grows his beard. Also, here is his DZone MVB awarded blog: pillopl.github.io

Wstęp na spotkanie jest wolny. Rejestracja odbywa się przez portal Meetup. Po spotkaniu zapraszamy na after-party do pubu Kraftodajnia, na którym będziemy mogli się poznać i podyskutować w luźnej atmosferze ;) Pub znajduje się pod adresem: Plac Kościeleckich 5 (https://goo.gl/tGdA7m). Widzimy się tam od godziny 21:00.

Wstęp będzie możliwy już od 17:30.

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