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Ewelina Skowron

Specjalizacja: IT / programowanie, mobile
I’m an Android Developer with a strong product thinking. My mission is to create products that help people. I believe that technology is only a tool which should be adjusted to product, company and what is more important to the human needs.

Software engineers should be flexible, looking at the bigger picture and also pay attention to quality, good practice and still expand programming skills.

Only high quality software delivered on time has real value for all.
“All” means inclusive so paying attention to usability and accessibility is important to me.

I also consider myself a Mental Health Ambassador. In our fast-changing world, where every change has an enormous impact on our nervous system, taking care of our mental health becomes very important.Only a well-rested mind can create great ideas that make the world better.Therefore, prioritizing mental health and wellbeing is crucial for fostering problem-solving, creativity, and innovation.

Furthermore, I’m passionate about mentoring and supporting others in their journey. Sharing knowledge and empowering fellow developers not only strengthens the community but also fosters growth and innovation.

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