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How to keep your flame burning – on burnout and its prevention

Cykl:   JDD

According to World Health Organization every 2nd person will experience burnout at least once in a lifetime. And since preventing it is much less costly than curing, it is worthwhile to check-up on yourself by answering following questions: 

• Have you lately had a hard time getting up to work? 

• Has your job been overwhelming you so much that you lost your temper? 

• Have you been making cynical comments about your co-workers or clients? 

• Have you noticed your professional life runs in cycles: from high motivation to total exhaustion? 

• Have you lost your drive and secretly fear that you might be finished in your profession?  

If you answered “yes” to at least 2 of those questions, there is a chance you’re on the edge of a job burnout. If you are a manager and observe any of those behaviors in your team, they might be alarming signs to take care of. Want to learn more about one of the most common occupational syndromes? Join my speech! You will learn: 

• What are the symptoms of burnout 

• What are the root causes of burnout 

• How to prevent and cure burnout 

• Who is responsible for burnout 

• What can you do as a manager to prevent burnout in your team  

The speech is addressed to employees, managers, freelancers & entrepreneurs. And if you can’t wait to it, meanwhile take a Burnout Test: 

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