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#256 spotkanie Warszawa JUG

#256 spotkanie Warszawa JUG
Typ wydarzenia:
17.09.2019 (wtorek)
polski , angielski
Wydzial MIMUW
sala 4420) (Banacha 2

18:15- Intro

18:25-19:15- Reactive Integration with Akka Streams and Alpakka - Jacek Kunicki

19:15-19:20- Przerwa

19:20-20:10- Have you ever wondered about code review? - Sebastian Rabiej


Zapraszamy na 256. spotkanie Warszawa JUG, które odbędzie się 17. września o godzinie 18:15 w budynku wydziału Wydział Matematyki, Informatyki i Mechaniki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (MIMUW) przy ulicy Banacha 2, w sali 3180


Reactive Integration with Akka Streams and Alpakka - Jacek Kunicki

Opis prelekcji:

An alpaca is like a camel, but is Alpakka like Apache Camel? Can we use the reactive approach in the area of integration as well, instead of the blocking approach that Camel usually offers?

In this live coding session we're going to explore the possibilities that Alpakka - a set of connectors for Akka Streams - offers to fetch data from various data sources and send it to different destinations. Using those, you're going to learn, on a working example, how to build a reactive integration layer with the help of Akka Streams - one of the most popular Reactive Streams implementations.

And if you thought Akka and friends were only for the Scala people, come to learn the nice Java APIs and see how wrong you were.

O prelegencie:

I'm a passionate software engineer living in the JVM land - mainly, but not limited to. I also tend to play with electronics and hardware. When sharing my knowledge, I always keep in mind that a working example is worth a thousand words.

Have you ever wondered about code review? - Sebastian Rabiej

Opis prelekcji:

Code review for many of us has become part and parcel of software development. It is great as it brings tremendous value to our projects. Still, have you ever taken a moment to think about it? Have you ever wondered what value code review brings and why we need it? Have you wondered if our code reviews are good and why some people feel offended by a good review? It is worth asking yourself, what does a good code review mean? If you want to know the answer to these and other questions and discuss them, I invite you to my presentation.

O prelegencie:

I have always been fascinated with programming languages and everything linked to them. The idea of creating something from "nothing" was so exciting that I decided to choose my career path as a developer. I have been working for over 4 years, and I am still looking for an answer to a question "what does it mean to be a professional?". I doubt that I will find the answer soon. I am an enthusiast of clean code, software craftsmanship and agile methodologies.



* WJUG rozpoczął kampanię #call4people, w nadziei do zachęcenia uczestników do zgłaszania nowych prezentacji. Formularz zgłoszeniowy jest dostępny pod adresem https://warszawajug.typeform.com/to/L5ydtp * Jeżeli potrzebujecie pomocy lub konsultacji - odezwijcie się do jednego z organizatorów podczas spotkania. Bardzo chętnie wam pomogą.

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