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KSUG: Typeclasses gone in 60 seconds & I can haz no Futures?

KSUG: Typeclasses gone in 60 seconds & I can haz no Futures?
Typ wydarzenia:
08.11.2016 (wtorek)
angielski , polski
Barka Alrina
Bulwar Kurlandzki na wysokości ulicy Gazowej, obok Kładki Bernatka
Plan for meeting:
  • Talk #1: Wieslaw Popielarski "Typeclasses gone in 60 seconds" 
Abstract: There is some number of presentations about Type Classes available in the net, but this time I'd like to explain it in the possibly simplest way. All you have to bring with yourself  is just the three notions known from high school: function, domain and codomain. I try to show that Type Classes with Tagged Types can be interesting alternatives for plain old classes as we understand them from Object Oriented world, especially when we start to play with heterogeneous lists or map powered with Scala Dynamic. Bio: Wieslaw has more than 16 years of experience in developing software solutions in old modish C, Java, Javascript, Groovy and Scala. Recently contributes to Scala IDE. As a kind of curiosity it's worth to say that he is drooled over TopCoder contests and Python usage in SRMs. Privately he's a husband of one wife, father of three and PhD of computer sciences done at AGH.
  • Talk #2: Michal Plachta "I can haz no Futures?" 
Abstract: You will learn how simple functional patterns can be used to make your business logic cleaner and more testable. Asynchronous programming brings a lot of Futures to your code. Bad news is that they are not essential to what your application really does… You end up with Futures of assertions in your unit tests or, even worse, with Await or expectNoMsg calls. This is a live coding talk. First I will code an application using Futures in both business logic and unit tests. Then I will get rid of Futures without losing asynchronicity. In the second part, I will do a step by step refactoring of a simple Akka actor system. In both cases I will use typeclasses from Cats library.   Bio: Polyglot software engineer specialised in developing distributed applications. Functional programming enthusiast. Loves the human component in software projects. Drinks a lot of tea. Has a blog at michalplachta.com. He currently works as team leader at Ocado Technology, where he is building actor-based software for automated warehouse. Huge thanks to VirtusLab for organizing the event and providing drinks during the meetup! See you soon!

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