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141 spotkanie Krakowskiej Grupy .NET

141 spotkanie Krakowskiej Grupy .NET
Typ wydarzenia:
22.02.2023 (środa)
Klub Studio
ul. Budryka 4

Zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie KGD organizowane na żywo. Tym razem wystąpi u nas dwóch prelegentów: Adam Furmanek oraz Marcin Celej. Spotkanie odbędzie się w Klub Studio, ul. Witolda Budryka 4 · Kraków

  • "Locks are tricky — let's understand them by building one"

We're often told that message passing is better than sharing the memory and protecting it with critical sections. But why? Can't we just use lock keyword and call it a day? What can go wrong?

In this talk we'll dwell into concurrency primitives to understand how they work and what risks they bring. We'll understand async magic. Finally, we'll build a couple of custom primitives, for both non-async and async world in C#. There will be quite a lot of interlocked operations, memory mapping, and observing how pieces flow between threads.

Adam Furmanek

I am Adam Furmanek and I am a professional software engineer with over a decade of experience. In my career I worked with all layers of software engineering and multiple types of applications, including logistics, e-commerce, machine learning, data analysis and database management. I am always interested in digging deeper, exploring machine code and going through implementation details to better understand the internals of the technologies I use every day. That's why I like debugging, decompiling and disassembling the code to understand memory models, concurrency problems and other details hidden deeply inside. In my free time I play ping-pong, watch Woody Allen's movies and blog stuff at http://blog.adamfurmanek.pl


  • "My Recent Project Speed Run"

Przelecim szybko przez mój aktualny projekt. Zobaczym co z tego uda się tyknąć: Centrally Managed Nuget Packages | Infrastructure as Code | Azure pipelines | Terraform | Semantic Versioning | Docs as Code | Pandoc.exe | Non Functional Requirements (NFR) | Diagrams as Code | Web API scenarios documentation | C4 Architecture Model | Architecture Decision Log (ADL) | Architecture Decision Record (ADR) | Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) | Definition Of Ready | Definition Of Done | Azure DevOps | Changelog automatic generation | Debt metrics | Quality metrics | Commit Driven Development | Microservices Architecture | Hexagonal Architecture | Ports and Adapters | CQRS | FluentValidation.dll | API Gateway | Azure Blob Storage | Identity Server 4 | Event Driven Architecture | Inbox / Outbox pattern | Azure Event Hub | Integration events | Azure Functions | Clean Code | Design By Contract (DbC) programming | PlantUml.com | Walking skeleton | Domain Driven Design (DDD) | Bounded contexts | Value Objects everywhere | Event sourcing | Domain Public Contracts | Entity Framework Core | EFC Migrations | Redis | Materialized View Pattern | REST Web API | Web API versioning | application/problem+json | OData | swagger | OWASP TOP 10 | Test Driven Development (TDD) | Snapshot testing - Verify.Net | Test Doubles | xUnit | Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) | Awareness testing | Architecture convention testing | Public API verification tests | Database schema testing | Open API verification tests | Web API Tests (WAPIT) | Asynchronous Messaging tests | Integration tests scenarios | Application Insights | Grafana

Marcin Celej

Mąż jedynej żony i ojciec 3 synów. W wolnych chwilach: architekt | developer | tester | SCRUM majster | PM | Oprational Director | Analyst

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