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Mobile Warsaw #81

Mobile Warsaw #81
Typ wydarzenia:
17.10.2023 (wtorek)
Znajomi Znajomych
ul. Wilcza 58a

18:45 - Paweł Łopusiński - So you think you can Swift?

A lot of magic happens in Swift to make our life easier, but magic is a fickle thing - in one place it lifts your code up, in another it can bring it crashing down. We will take a look at code samples that should work differently or not work at all, but actually have a well defined behaviour.

This will be an interactive talk where you will have a chance to vote on how you think the code behaves and then we will explore the truth.

Paweł about himself:

I'm currently working @ Flightradar24 as a Lead iOS Dev. I've been doing iOS stuff for around 10 years and can't get enough of it - there is always something interesting to look into and dive deep into different topics. Recently I've found great interest in exploring tricky parts of Swift, sometimes even peeking into SIL to understand them.

If I'm not currently coding I'm most likely goofing around with my kids, playing video and board games, or just being a couch potato devouring next TV series from a (too long) list.

19:30 - Break - Enjoy free beverages!

19:50 - Jarosław Michalik - Practical Guide to Writing Idiomatic Kotlin Code

Clean code is more than a set of rules; it's a philosophy that prioritizes readability, maintainability, and simplicity in software development.

Kotlin has been praised for its expressive and powerful syntax, making programming easier and more efficient. However, to truly maximize Kotlin's productivity, developers must not only master its features, but also revisit the fundamental principles of software craftsmanship.

In this talk, I will explore how to write effective code using the expressive syntax of Kotlin, while revisiting the fundamental principles including (but not limited to) DRY, KISS, or SOLID.

We'll explore best practices and advanced techniques, including Kotlin idioms, value classes, lambdas, extension functions, and more.

Jarosław is Google Developer Expert in Kotlin and Android developer you can find him sharing a lot of great knowledge at linkedin.

20:30 — Networking

This is not the end of the meetup! Stay a little longer, enjoy drinks and a lot of fellow developers to enjoy it with!

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