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Investment Research Marketplace - Open Mic Night

Investment Research Marketplace - Open Mic Night
Event type:
31.12.2018 (monday)
Kasprzaka 25
  • 5:30 pm - Doors open

Refreshments and Networking

  • 6:00 pm - Welcome address

Michał Krokosz and Wojciech Zdunkiewicz

  • 6:05 pm - Presentations

Edward Blad – Founder & Managing Director at Independent Research Forum see http://independentresearchforum.com/ Edward started his career in Independent Research in 2007 upon joining Eden Financial. In 2011, following their acquisition by Marex Spectron, Edward was promoted to manage Business Development for the Independent Research team. Edward has established and developed working relationships with over 1,000 Providers, setting up countless introductions as well as effectively managing the rapidly expanding series of long-lasting relationships which have ensued. This grounding led him to set up IRF in 2016.

Fabrice Bouland - CEO and co-founder of Alphametry - https://alphametry.com/ Before founding Alphametry, he created and directed for 10 years the institutional brokerage company OTCex-HPC, an international group of 200 brokers operating across all asset classes. His first company in 2000 was the first-of-a-kind Internet marketplace dedicated to equity derivatives, still used today by the world's largest banks. He previously spent 10 years at BNP Paribas as a volatility trader in France and Germany.

One more speakers to be announced

  • 6:45 pm - Panel Discussion




Michał Krokosz

7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Closing remarks and networking


Investment research industry is going through a major paradigm shift. Murky pricing and conflict of interest brought the research industry under scrutiny from the investors and regulators. This resulted in MiFID II regulation that among other things requires to explicitly price and separate research costs from trading costs.

Research procurement is now moving onto centralized platforms, bringing greater transparency and competition among providers. This new business model is disrupting the industry and will be put under magnifying glass and discussed in the upcoming Fintech Open Mic Night.

Please join us to get a birds-eye view of investment research marketplace, impact on both sell-side & buy-side and to learn about the challenges and opportunities brought by MiFID II. You will also have an opportunity to meet and network with like minded individuals who just like you are passionate about the Fintech industry.

Participants (1):

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