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IT talk: Clean code and API

IT talk: Clean code and API
Event type:
26.07.2018 (thursday)
Dataart Wrocław
Plac Grunwaldzki 23
  • 6.00 PM - 6.05 PM - Start
  • 6.05 PM - 6.50 PM - «How to make your code cleaner and steps you should be thinking about while programming» by Cory Bianch, Intive
  • 6.50 PM - 7.00 PM - Coffee break
  • 7.00 PM - 7.45 PM - «GraphQL - when REST API is not enough - lessons learned» by Marcin Stachniuk, Collibra
  • 7.45 PM - 8.00 PM - Networking

DataArt is happy to invite you to the next IT talk in Wroclaw!

During this IT talk, we are going to cover various topics from the boundless world of back-end development.

  • «How to make your code cleaner and steps you should be thinking about while programming» by Cory Bianch, Intive

We are going to talk about clean code why it is important and how you can start making your program easier to modify and understand.

Сory Bianch, grew up near Tampa, Florida. His dad is Venezuelan and his mom is American. He studied at the University of Central Florida in Orlando and earned a B.S. Degree in Computer Engineering. While he was in college, he worked selling kitchen products such as knives, pots and pans, and tools. He was a top sales representative and an Assistant Manager. He later owned my own knife business just for at summer. After he graduated, he started working at Harris Corp. It is mainly a communications defense contractor company for the US government. After 3.5 years with Harris he quit and moved to Wroclaw. He has been living and working here for just over a year.

  • «GraphQL - when REST API is not enough - lessons learned» by Marcin Stachniuk, Collibra

We all know that the REST architectural style is used to define a good API for your applications. However, REST has its disadvantages and constraints. That's why Facebook developed GraphQL as an alternative.

In my talk, I will present you with some REST constraints and how GraphQL solves them. I will talk about how we implement GraphQL in our application and why.

Marcin Strachniuk, a software engineer mainly focused on Java and JVM technologies. Fan of Clean Code, TDD, Agile methodologies, NoSQL and automation. Leader of Wrocław Java User Group, Open Source contributor. He is currently working at Collibra.

Language: English.

FREE ENTRANCE! Unfortunately, we have a limited number of places. Please, fill the registration form and wait for our next email.

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