KJUG #75 "Software Engineering career beyond senior"

KJUGowicze - 75. meetup już niebawem! Spotykamy się jak zawsze w czwartek w Pubie Garaż. Tym razem na scenie wystąpi Paweł Dolega z Virtus Lab!
Software Engineering career beyond senior
Let's face it - software engineers climb the career ladder fast. This is especially so when juxtaposed with more traditional engineering disciplines. It is not unusual within this field to witness individuals attaining a "Senior Software Engineer" position within a relatively short span of 3 to 5 years of professional work. But what happens later, once you nailed being a senior engineer? How do you progress to even more senior roles? Are the skills that got you this far going to cut it for the next leap? By the way, do you even need to make the next leap? And if so, is the - dreaded by many! - "people management" the only option? It would seem that considerable ambiguity surrounds the "beyond senior" career progression! Let's deal with it and explore this area. We'll navigate through career opportunities & challenges, characteristics of these roles, and pivotal skills and attitudes needed on this lifelong journey. Come ready to talk real talk about leveling up your career with or without taking a management detour.
I am Chief Technology Officer at VirtusLab.com where I am responsible for driving the company’s technology direction. I help companies use modern technology to build great products and transform enterprises into digital-native companies. I am a technical executive, entrepreneur, engineer, analyst, debater, father, climber, and thinker. I like building things - both from a technology and business perspective.
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