rg-dev #50 - o debugowaniu i Azure
Maciek Rząsa - Let's Debug Like Scientists
Debugging is painful even when you do it alone, but it's agonising when performed by several people. Besides the usual problems (unknowns, chasing your own tail, being wrong most of the time) you have another set of issues - coordinating work that can't be planned or predicted, fragmented knowledge, people venting frustrations publicly. Could there be any way out of this nightmare?
Don't despair, there is hope! And to find it we need to look outside of IT. We can have a peek at what scientists do in their quest to understand and describe the world. They're able to solve difficult problems that are full of unknowns and hard-to-plan collaboratively, with measurable effects. Their practices (careful observations, bold hypotheses, deep understanding of the context, precise experiments) can also be transferred to engineering teams to drastically improve the debugging effort..
After this presentation, you'll have a set of tools to build a collaborative process of debugging ready to be implemented in your team. You'll understand how centuries-old scientific practices can be adopted in our young profession. And finally, you'll hear real-world stories that prove those methods to be effective.
Piotr Stapp - Jak zostać architektem w chmurze? Czyli Cloud+FinOps=<3
Zapraszam Cię na interaktywną sesję, podczas której razem (to nie jest błąd, Twoje decyzje będą kluczowe) zbudujemy projekt rozwiązania w chmurze od A do Z. Przez chwilę staniemy się architektami, więc nasze decyzje dla projektu będą kluczowe.
Skupimy się między innymi na:
- Jakie komponenty użyć (w tym: hostowanie, bazy danych, sieć, bezpieczeństwo, ...)
- Czy będzie to bardziej PaaS czy IaaS? A może mieszanka?
- Ile to będzie kosztować? I co najważniejsze, dlaczego.
Nad czym będziemy pracować? Azure, ale jeżeli nie masz dużego doświadczenia to nawet lepiej, bo będziesz bardziej obiektywny