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Ruby on Rails Developer

Added: Over a month ago

Key information

Type: Backend
Level: regular

formal aspects

Contract type: b2b, employment contract


Type of projects:projects for clients
Used Technologies/Tools:
Key: Ruby on Rails

Required technologies /tools

Ruby on Rails

other requirements

Education: university degree
Foreign language: English
Use in work:
Ruby on Rails Developer Job ID: Ruby/DEV/LUB/0517/CJ
You will be a good match if you have/ are:
  • Minimum 3 years of experience in Ruby on Rails (backend engineer)
  • Knowledge of Ruby on Rails 5
  • Acknowledged with OOP and AOP
  • Experienced in REST architecture
  • Ability to quickly learn and use diverse tools and technologies
  • Good communication skills.
  • Very good English
  You get extra points for:
  • Games: Grape, Que, Devise, Pundit
  • Services: Heroku, AWS (S3, RDS PostgreSQL), Redis, Mailgun, Pubnub, Twilio
  As a part of our team, you will be responsible for:
  • Takeover of the backend from the Client
  • Development and implementation of new functionality
  • Testing software based on Ruby on Rails
  • Creating technical documentation
  • Collaborate with analysts and developers
You are kindly requested to include the following clause in your application: I hereby give my consent to have my personal data included in the submitted documents processed by SMT Software Services S.A., BLStream S.A., intive GmbH and by their customers, as deemed necessary for the purposes of the recruitment process, including processing such data in the future for the same purposes. I hereby confirm that my consent is given voluntarily and that I am aware of the rights granted to me under Personal Data Protection Act of 29 August, 1997 (Dz.U. 2016 r. item 922, as amended). intive is: SMTSoftware Services + BLStream + intive GmbH
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#programowanie#Ruby#Ruby on rails

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