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Arne Ahlander

Arne Åhlander is a Lean and Agile Product Management expert. He has a deep background in Agile software development and in particular Scrum. He is a principal consultant, coach and trainer in his own company Aqqurite. Agile, Lean and Process Improvement are key elements in Arne’s collaboration with the management teams of his customers. Since 1994 Arne has been working within consulting, Product Management and Management. He brings with him extensive experience from Management positions within IT and Telecom. Arne has worked for large and small customers in Sweden, Scandinavia, Europe and Asia. The assignments have covered coaching, consulting and training.He is a Certified Scrum Trainer and has personally trained thousands of developers and managers in software best practices. Arne is a Training of the Back of the Room Certified Trainer. In between customer assignments and training classes Arne also is a presenter at conferences within Agile and Lean.

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