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Impact Tech Poland #3: Blockchain the future unfolding

Impact Tech Poland #3: Blockchain the future unfolding
Typ wydarzenia:
13.02.2018 (wtorek)
Pauza in Garden
Rajska 12
  • 6:30 pm - Door opening: come grab something to drink, say hi to people and choose your comfy seat 
  • 6:55 pm - Starting time: Impact.tech Krk official welcoming
  • 7:00 pm - Paweł Pinio. Blockchain Engineer and nTitle CTO will speak about Blockchain Impacting the rights to own with nTitle
  • 7:30 pm - Bastien Hugon will explain how & why to become a blockchain Pioneer 
  • 7:45 pm - Q&A , discussion, break 
  • 8:00 pm - Katarzyna Kamińska will explain us is responsible token investing possible
  • 8:45 pm - Q&A , discussion, break 
  • 9:00 pm - closing time 

Who are we?

Impact.tech aims to fuel the movement of solving some of the world's biggest problems using technology and to support the impact entrepreneurs combining purpose with profit.

We are meeting to take a look on constantly evolving blockchain evolution!

13th of February. Pauza in Garden. 7:00 pm

We live in an information age, which is defined as a period in human history characterized by economies, experiences and interactions based on computers, networks, messaging and collective intelligence. The Internet lies at its heart. When the World Wide Web was decommissioned in 1995, no one predicted that it will take over the world and define our digital presence. Blockchain was conceptualised in 2008 as its already seen as the next step in technical evolution. 

With our captivating speakers, we are going to discuss how Blockchain impacts the world:

  • Why Blockchain is a revolution and how it disrupts the digital ownership space with nTitle. 
  • How to become a Blockchain Engineer by enrolling yourself in Connaxis Pioneers program. We want to teach you that for free and develop your skills.
  • How to use Blockchain transactions in a responsible and safe way - educate on things you didn't think of earlier with Trivial. 


  • Katarzyna Kamińska

Co-founder & CEO of Trivial

Studied European law, and after a short flirt with the corporate world moved to the startup field and engaged with it from various angles, by bringing 2 international social impact communities to Poland, being a tech journalist at150sec.com and Head of Communications at digital health startup DreamJay. And now she focuses on building Trivial. 

Trivial is an Ethereum blockchain interface where you can check anyone’s tokens & transactions. See top holders of tokens you own, find tokens owned by your friends or discover new tokens.

  • Paweł Pinio

Blockchain Engineer and CTO of nTitle

Pragmatic coder with over 8 years of experience in getting things done and also experienced blockchain engineer with strong technical, consulting and leadership skills. He builds a next-gen, decentralized licensing platform on top of the Ethereum blockchain. nTitle is a peer-to-peer network that cuts out the stranglehold that marketplaces and other “intermediaries” have on the gaming industry - gamers will actually own the game they purchase along with the alienable right to lend, sell, or gift it to whomever they like. Although initially focused on gaming nTitle’s vision is to be a gate to digital ownership and impact a range of industries and digital assets like documents, videos, music, books and enterprise software.

  • Bastien Hugon 

Operational and Outsourcing Manager of Connaxis

Adept at people, cross-cultural and business management which allows him to run operations seeking excellence. Always looking to learn new things and enjoy to evolve in an international work environment, within cross-cultural teams. 

There is a lack of professionals and a great need of blockchain specialists. We will tell you more about Connaxis Pioneers, training idea during which you can become a blockchain specialist for free and even being paid a salary and get a job all over the world with our help.

Haven’t heard about the blockchain?


It is a technology that supports transparency, honesty and trust, as all the data is easily auditable. Everybody can access*. It is extremely easy to become a member of the blockchain network and contribute to common goals. You don’t have to rely on middleman who store your data and take fee for that. You can even earn by being a part of this peer-to-peer society.


It is a public, time-stamped, unchangeable distributed ledger. Blockchain stores a sequence of transactions in container data structures called blocks, build by its peers in a continuous message exchange. Specialized consensus algorithm allows network members to agree on the chain state and decide which blocks will be added and linked with previous blocks, extending the chain as a result. This process is irreversible. 

In everyday life:

Blockchain spreads all over the world. In many countries you can use this technology to sign contracts remotely and without middleman or notary fee. Yo can conduct bank transactions, use ID cards to pay for public transportation, vote online, receive digital prescriptions from the doctor, even remotely, declare tax online or create a new company within 18 minutes on your computer or Apply for government aid, (e.g. maternity leave pay etc.). It’s safer, no hacking possibilities, more independent, you can’t switch off the whole network and based on the people.

*By mobile, computer or other device

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