CocoaHeads Tricity #25 - React Native & Swift
- 18:30 - Doors open & welcome
- 18:45 - React Native from Swift developer perspective - Mateusz Klimczak
Everything works perfectly when you first touch it. Easy tutorials, enthusiastic blog posts, promising videos. But is it the same when you first introduce the technology into a real project? A story of an Obj-c/Swift developer that lead a React Native project for a couple of months and returned to Swift once it was done. What is he missing? Will he ever return to React Native? Is this technology mature enough for production purposes? And finally, what can we learn, as a native iOS developers, from other technologies?
Mateusz is a senior mobile developer at Bright Inventions enthusiastic about agile software craftsmanship. At work he focuses not only on writing a clean code, but also on teamwork and soft skills development.
- 19:30 - Why should we all hate Swift? - Maciej Burda
It’s been over 3 years since iOS community was given the new programming language. It shook the iOS programming world leaving obj-c behind and forcing developers to switch to the completely new concept. How are we doing all now with version 4? How many hybrid obj-c/swift projects are out there? Is it really the silver bullet or just another yet perfect marketing stunt made by Apple?
- 20:15 - pizza & beer & discussions
Schedule is approximate and might change a bit during the event.
Please register and RSVP on meetup!
Hello Cocoaers!
Summer break is over and we would like to invite you to our next meetup! We will host two guests - first one will share his experiences with React Native from Swift developer perspective, and second one will be speaking about main trends in modern programming languages with comparison to Swift. We meet at the same venue as before which is Olivia Sky Club.
We have 40 seats, food and drinks will be provided. All guests must register.
Thanks to our sponsors Bright Inventions and Schibsted Tech Polska!