DevOpsDays Kraków 2021

Win a free ticket to DevOpsDays Kraków 2021! Take part of our contest on Facebook.
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DevOpsDays Kraków 2021 is the second edition of this volunteer-driven worldwide series of events. It will take place on April 27-28th and will be fully ONLINE!
Safety of participants, speakers, partners and everyone involved in the creation of this event is the most important to us! We are convinced that you will have as much fun in the virtual world as you would at a stationary conference. We have prepared many attractions for you, so this event will not be yet another boring webinar, but a real adventure full of knowledge and new friendships!
DevOpsDays is a worldwide series of technical conferences covering topics of software development, IT infrastructure operations, and the intersection of them. It's both a technical conference and a conference focusing on culture, processes, and structure within organizations. We encourage both technologists and business people to attend, learn and share experiences. Join us to share this big DevOps adventure
The DevOpsDays Kraków ticket price includes:
- 2 days access to full HD live streaming,
- participation in QA sessions,
- possibility to talk to the Speakers,
- participation in Open Spaces,
- access to recordings of lectures for 2 weeks after the conference,
- surprise gift pack*,
- attendance certificate**.
* Does not apply to 'Standard - streaming' and 'Student - streaming' tickets.
** On demand.