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IT talk: «DevOps. Let's talk about Ansible & Auth Proxy»

IT talk: «DevOps. Let's talk about Ansible & Auth Proxy»
Event type:
27.07.2019 (saturday)
Polish , English
  • 11:00 AM - 11:05 AM - Start
  • 11:05 AM - 11.50 PM - «Ansible by trials and errors» by Adam Hyski [PL]
  • 11:50 PM - 12:30 PM - Coffee break & Skillotron contest
  • 12:35 PM - 13:25 PM - «Auth Proxy pattern on Kubernetes» by Michał Wcisło [ENG]
  • 13:30 PM - 13:40 PM - Award ceremony (Skillotron contest)
  • 13:40 - 15:00 - Networking (beer & pizza)

Language: This time we have presentation in two languages: English and Polish.


DevOps Day is finally here! We're going to meet on the 27th of July in Wroclaw during DevOps Day in DataArt! Supported by DevOps Community, we are going to hear two different topics, both equally important. We will talk about open-source software Ansible and Auth Proxy on Kubernetes. After that, there will be a short contest on DevOps skills with fantastic awards.

«Ansible by trials and errors» by Adam Hyski DevOps Engineer Fast White Cat [PL]

Ansible is a powerful IT automation engine to drive complexity out of your business environment and accelerate DevOps initiatives. How to use Ansible? When the first issues appear and how to overcome them? Examples of best practices and a few traps.

Adam Hyski, DevOps Engineer in Fast White Cat, Wroclaw

Adam Hyski works as a DevOps Engineer in Fast White Cat company and he is a professional in using DevOps with Magento, Ansible and Docker. He likes to speak about how to avoid errors in using the mentioned tools and he loves exchanging practices with his audience.

«Auth Proxy pattern on Kubernetes» by Michał Wcisło, DevOps Engineer in Nokia [ENG]

Authentication and authorization is usually build in web applications but often can also be integrated with Auth Proxy to centralize the maintenance or provide SSO. This talk is to show how Auth Proxy can be used on Kubernetes making use of its components like ingress controller. We will start with quick recap on OpenID connect and OAuth2, setup simple authN/authZ scenario using Auth proxy and finally discuss how this can be taken forward.

Michał Wcisło, DevOps Engineer, Nokia

Michał Wcisło is a DevOps engineer at Nokia. During 8 years in IT got a chance to grab experience in different domains of software craft including research, development, QA and operations. Big fan of TDD, DevOps and automation. Currently developing Nokia AVA platform.

FREE ENTRANCE! Unfortunately, we have a limited number of places. Please, fill the registration form and wait for our next email.

The event will be broadcasted on our YouTube channel.

IT talk is an open community, where anyone interested in IT industry can participate. We do not focus on specific technologies. At our meetings we will feature presentations for project managers, engineers, developers (.NET, JavaScript, JAVA, etc.), we will touch on testing issues.

Any participant can become a speaker at the community meeting and talk about their experience, views, company.

IT talk is a real opportunity for professionals, teachers, students and novice developers to exchange news, share technical solutions, present them at the seminars to colleagues and everyone interested.

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