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IT talk: «Java. Deep Dive into GraalVM and Code Review»

IT talk: «Java. Deep Dive into GraalVM and Code Review»
Event type:
13.06.2019 (thursday)
Polish , English
Dataart Wrocław
Plac Grunwaldzki 23
  • 6.00 PM - 6.05 PM - Start
  • 6.05 PM - 6.50 PM - «GraalVM. To JIT or not to JIT» by Denys Dushyn [ENG]
  • 6.50 PM - 7.00 PM - Coffee break
  • 7.00 PM - 7.45 PM - «Have you ever wondered about code review?» by Sebastian Rabiej [PL]
  • 7.45 PM - 8.00 PM - Networking (beer and pizza time)

We're going to meet on the 13th of June in Wroclaw! Traditionally, two different topics, but both equally important. We will talk about Graal ecosystem and Graal JIT compiler, and then we will switch to the good and eternal Code Review.

«GraalVM. To JIT or not to JIT» by Denys Dushyn, Java Software Engineer, DataArt, Wroclaw [ENG]

Last year's we witness an interesting transformation of the Java platform -- from steady Java centric language platform to multilingual one. GraalVM is a research project developed by Oracle Labs and it's already in production. It is an appealing project that has a lot of interesting features -- JIT written in Java, polyglot runtime, efficiency, good performance, AOT. In presentation you will find high level overview of a Graal ecosystem and of one of its components, Graal JIT compiler, and what performance benefits you may expect by using it.

Denys Dushyn, Java Software Engineer, DataArt, Wroclaw

He has been working in IT for over 10 years. Denys is interested in theory of programming languages and design. He is a big fan of functional languages, static code analysis and formal methods in software development.

«Have you ever wondered about code review?» by Sebastian Rabiej, Software engineer, SoftwareMill [PL]

Code review for many of us has become part and parcel of software development. It is great as it brings tremendous value to our projects. Still, have you ever taken a moment to think about it? Have you ever wondered what value code review brings and why we need it? Have you wondered if our code reviews are good and why some people feel offended by a good review? It is worth asking yourself, what does a good code review mean? If you want to know the answer to these and other questions, and discuss them, I invite you to my lecture.

Sebastian Rabiej, Software engineer, SoftwareMill

I have always been fascinated by programming languages and everything associated with them. The idea of creating something from "nothing" was so exciting that I decided to choose my career path as a developer. I have been working for over 4 years, and I am still looking for an answer to a question "what does it mean to be a professional?" and I doubt that I will find the answer soon. I am an enthusiast of clean code, software craftsmanship and agile methodologies.

Language: This time we have presentation in two languages: English and Polish.

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