MonteTalks: Ruby
17:00 - Registration in Monterail's office in Wrocław and start of the online stream
17:15 - Neo4j on Rails, Wojciech Maciejak - Backend Principal Engineer at Monterail
17:50 - Rails configuration, Jan Dudulski - Backend Principal Engineer at Monterail
18:30 - Test double in Ruby, Wojciech Stępniak - Senior Ruby on Rails Developer at Monterail
19:15 - The whole truth about service objects - Rafał Piekara,
20:00 - Chillout session with pizza and beers
All presentations will be held in English.
Another great MonteTalks event ahead of us!
On June 9th we’ll focus on Ruby-related topics. We invite you to join us on-site, in Monterail’s office. But if you can’t be with us in person in Wrocław, you have a chance to participate in the meetup online.
However you choose to join, it’s an awesome opportunity not only to expand your Ruby knowledge and share your expertise with others, but also to meet and have a beer in a great company :)
We’ve asked three experienced Ruby developers from Monterail to share their expertise with us. But to make this event even better, we’ve invited a special guest: Rafał Piekara - Ruby and Ruby on Rails expert, author of the first Polish Ruby newsletter:
So, if you’re a Ruby developer and want to meet with other Ruby enthusiasts, you can’t miss our event!
Interested? Sign up on Eventbrite and join us on the 9th of June.
The number of offline tickets is limited to 80.