Node.js Wroclaw Meetup #1
- Threads in Node.js
Oleksandr Tryshchenko @ DataArt Wroclaw
There is so many prejudice, and gossips regarding "There are no threads" in Node.js however it's not that straightforward as people often consider it to be.
Let's talk about it and demystify the reality.
We'll cover the following:
- Event loop
- Threads in Node.js core
- Spawning children. Why? How?
- What has been added in Node.js 10.5 and how it changes the situation.
Oleksandr works as a full-stack JavaScript engineer in DataArt. He's OpenSource contributor and public speaker at conferences and meetups in Poland, Austria, Germany, Ukraine.
- Serverless Architecture and AWS Lambda
Nikita Liashenko @ DataArt Wroclaw
Serverless is an increasingly popular approach to web application architecture organization. At the same time, it has a bunch of options, limitations, and points to pay attention to.
We will look at Serverless Architecture based on most used AWS Lambda. Also, we will cover some popular frameworks for building Serverless applications and pay attention to Serverless security.
Part of DataArt team, Nikita help and implement Serverless-based services for the last two years and also interested in new technologies related to Serverless. In his spare time, he is interested in startup life and new inventions.
Do you want to share your knowledge? Please contact us and secure this spot ;)
Please do RSVP to help us tracking the capacity of our venue.
It's time to launch a node.js community in Wroclaw, hooray!
Are you a node.js developer? Or you just interested in Node.js? Everyone is welcome. Let's meet and talk.