Open coroutines workshop
Bring your laptops, because this time we will try something new. We want to invite you to the first open workshop organized by Krakow Kotlin User Group.
Intro Talk: Coroutines - what? how? why?
by Paweł Marks
Coroutines have been with us for a few years now. They have been even considered stable for over half a year. Still lots of folks are afraid of them. Judging by number of questions about them on Stack Overflow and other sites there is still a lot of misconceptions and bad intuitions involving use of coroutines. In my short talk I would like to clarify what it means for function to be suspended and explain why sometimes our asyncs are in fact synchronous. I will also presents you most basic building blocks provieded by kotlinx.coroutines.core library, that we will use later during workshop
During workshop we will build stable application performing fault tolerant concurrent computations, using only kotlinx.coroutines.core library. Experianced kotlin devs will be there to help and guide you. You will aslo be able to see your solutions on interactive leaderboard. Maybe your solution can outcompete those created by our trainers.
To fully experiance the workshop you will need a computer with IntelliJ and JDK8+ installed.