Tech MeetUp: User Experience in service of Public Safety

UX in Service of Public Safety, use cases, research issues by Marcin Proszak
About the topic: Inspiring stories showcasing how UX enhances the functionality of critical public safety products, such as Call Handling, Dispatching, and Evidence management. Marcin will select the most impactful examples to highlight the positive impact of UX on these essential services.
About the Speaker: Marcin is a Senior UX Manager at Motorola Solutions, where he has led a global UX team for the past 7 years. His team is responsible for the user experience of public safety web applications used by PSAP personnel worldwide, including call takers and dispatchers. His leadership and expertise in UX design contribute to ensuring that PSAP personnel have the tools they need to perform their duties safely and effectively.
UX in Legacy Applications: The Journey of one of legacy application by Bruno Coelho
About the topic: This session will explore the challenges of implementing UX improvements in a widely adopted legacy application. Bruno will share the experience of developing a new application that complements the existing system, allowing users to gradually adopt the new UX. This case study provides valuable insights for others facing similar challenges.
About the Speaker: Bruno is working as a tech lead and senior software engineer for Motorola's PremierOne suite. He's a bachelor and master degree holder from Porto's polytechnic (Portugal), and has 10+ years of experience in .NET software development, ranging from R&D projects funded by the EU, to being a part of corporate teams working in industries such as banking and healthcare.
During the event, our experts will present inspiring case studies showcasing how User Experience process, research and following enhancements have improved critical public safety products. They will go through the challenges of implementing UI/UX improvements in legacy applications and share their experiences developing new applications that complement existing functionality of public safety systems.
Don't miss this opportunity to interact with experts, ask questions, and engage in thought-provoking discussions!