The quantum Kibble-Żurek mechanism as a test of quantum simulators/annealers
Talk will be given by prof. Jacek Dziarmaga
When a Hamiltonian is driven across a quantum critical point the adiabatic approximation fails and the state after the transition becomes a quantum superposition of excited states. As predicted by a quantum version of the Kibble-Żurek mechanism the excitation should scale with a power of the driving rate. By now this universal mechanism is well established by a number of exact solutions, numerical simulations and experiments. It is its turn to serve as a convenient test of quantumness for quantum simulators and quantum annealers. In this talk I will explain the QKZM and then review its tests in/of the Rydberg-atoms quantum simulation platform and the D-Wave quantum(?) annealers.
PhD at Jagiellonian University; postdoc at Durham University, UK; Director Funded Postdoc in Los Alamos, USA; Professor at Jagiellonian University