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WSUG #3 GraphQL - no codegen, only magic & JVM and Kubernetes walk into a bar…

WSUG #3 GraphQL - no codegen, only magic & JVM and Kubernetes walk into a bar…
Event type:
06.03.2023 (monday)
Pub Wędrówki
Podwale 37/38
Strona www:
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W programie:

‘GraphQL - no codegen, only magic’ - Paweł Marks

GraphQL allows convenient and easy interaction with data sources and services. It makes it a perfect tool to use in small scripts and automation. Coincidentally, recently Scala 3 has become an excellent language for just this use case - scripts and automation. Unfortunately, using GraphQL from Scala is not seamless. Either you need to work with raw strings and untyped JSON data, write a lot of boilerplate for the serialization library or use a complex solution that downloads the schema and generates code, usually requiring a heavy build tool. I believe it doesn't need to be that way. We can create a lightweight GraphQL library without codegen or schema downloading, offering code completions and quite a good type safety... and we will do that... live during the talk.
Warning: During the talk, you may be exposed to black magic.

‘JVM and Kubernetes walk into a bar…’ - Grzegorz Kocur

Running the JVM-based applications on the Kubernetes cluster seems a relatively easy task - it's enough to pack the jar into the container and ready. But is it really? How does container awareness in JVM work? How is it related to the pod's configuration?
Spoiler: there are some traps set for you. How to bypass them? We'll dive deep into the containers, JVM, and Kubernetes resources management and check how everything is connected to each other.


Paweł Marks

Paweł is involved in shaping the future of Scala 3 as a member of the Scala Improvement Process Committee and as a leader of the compiler team at VirtusLab in Kraków, Poland. Having been involved as a developer and architect in JVM tooling for many years, in 2020, he returned to Scala - his favourite language from college - and became part of the compiler team shortly after. He is now mainly responsible for the Scala release cycle and helping other compiler developers.

Grzegorz Kocur

I'm an experienced DevOps Engineer and the leader of SoftwareMill's DevOps Team. Over the past 20 years, I have been helping create amazing software for multiple organisations. I'm an avid user of Kubernetes and Cloud Computing, and, obviously, an enthusiast of the DevOps culture. In my free time, I like running and I regenerate while working in the garden.

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