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Node.js Warsaw

We are about passion for Node.js programming and a desire to share and help each other.

What's our purpose?

• Network with people interested in Node.js backend programming

• Interact with people and to give and receive practical help.

• Learn about Node.js

• Share expertise about Node.js

• Get to know what others are doing with Node.js

Why another JS meetup in Warsaw?

The difference between us and other JS meetup groups in Warsaw is that we mainly are focused on backend and server programming.

Our events feature talks about using Node.js and the npm ecosystem.

Talks may be traditionally educations or they may be in the form of case studies.

We do interactive sessions in smaller groups to investigate or help, brainstorm and talk about possibilities and challenges we face.

The events of this group are always free of charge for participants.

The official communication language is English.