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#194 [2in1] Sociocracy, theory & practice - E. Koprowska, P. Radaj, P. Polewicz

#194 [2in1] Sociocracy, theory & practice - E. Koprowska, P. Radaj, P. Polewicz
Event type:
13.01.2020 (monday)
Polish , English
Polish bank PKO BP
Puławska 15
  • 18:00 - Ewa Koprowska & Piotr Radaj - "Socjokracja 3.0" [talk in Polish]
  • 19:00 - Paweł Polewicz & Piotr Radaj - "Sociocracy 3.0 by Example" [talk in English]
  • 20:00 - Community members conversations!

W poniedziałek 13 stycznia zapraszamy na dwa wykłady oraz networking:

Socjokracja 3.0 (talk in Polish) – Ewa Koprowska & Piotr Radaj

Czy pomysły i decyzje mogą być inicjowane oraz akceptowane przez samą społeczność? Czy ostatecznie prezes/dyrektor musi się podpisać pod każdą decyzją? Czy taka efektywna współpraca jest możliwa (również na dużą skalę)?

Oczywiście, że tak! Jednak nie jest to demokracja, a Sociokracja (https://sociocracy30.org/the-details/ ).

Chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej? Zapraszamy na blisko godzinną prelekcję z elementami warsztatowymi. Po wydarzeniu chcemy, abyś został głodny wiedzy na temat socjokratycznej idei. Zrozumiesz, co oznacza “zgoda” z punktu widzenia socjokracji. w konsekwencji będziesz chciał się dowiedzieć coraz więcej i więcej, aż … zastosujesz ją w praktyce!

Przyjdziesz? Zapraszamy!

Ewa & Piotr

Sociocracy 3.0 by Example (talk in English) – Paweł Polewicz & Piotr Radaj

Is it possible to engage your team/partners/employees easily? Could the social group make a decision even without CEO approval or against his/her will? We would like to share a couple of real S3 stories that took place @ Reef Technologies – small fully remote backend python software house.

Paweł & Piotr

Ewa Koprowska | https://www.linkedin.com/in/ewakoprowska

Partner & CHO in Code Sprinters. Ewa Koprowska has been working in the IT industry for 20 years. During her career, she has worked as an actuarial developer, analyst, project manager, Scrum Master, Product Owner, Agile Coach and other, so she looks at the organizations and teams she works with from a broader perspective.

Ewa was also one of the managers of the Everest project in PZU, thanks to which she became one of the most recognizable experts in agile transformation and scaling in the Polish industry.

Paweł Polewicz | https://www.linkedin.com/in/reefiasty/

Paweł is a software engineer with 17 years of professional experience ranging from programming in a local startup to leading large teams for an international corporation. Initially focused on doing things right, later switched to doing the right things. Four years ago he resigned from a full time position, started a software house and completed over 80 projects for businesses of all sizes based in USA, Canada, UK and Australia, from toilet paper level tracker to fintech timeseries analyzers.

Piotr Radaj | https://www.linkedin.com/in/piotr-radaj-0a7727a5/

Piotr supports both start-ups and corporations. As a Scrum Master in a corporation, he likes establishing environment helping teams achieve high performance. As a Lean-Agile Coach, he supports start-ups as well as small and medium-sized businesses to validate their product/market fit. As an Agile Warsaw meetup co-organiser, he proudly helps creating safe space for the local Agile community.

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