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Go Cracow #11 - Gopher Toolbox and Deploy Go service with Kubernetes

Go Cracow #11 - Gopher Toolbox and Deploy Go service with Kubernetes
Event type:
23.01.2024 (tuesday)
Splunk - Krakow
Długa 72

1. Registration [30 min; 17:30 - 18:00]

Register yourself at the office’s reception and print a badge with your name and photo. Please do not come at the last moment.

2. Welcome from the organizers [EN; 10 min; 18:00 - 18:10]

3. Andrzej Lichnerowicz, Deploying a GoLang microservice with Kubernetes [EN; 60 min; 18:10 - 19:10]

Let's dive deep into the world of microservices deployment with Kubernetes in this talk, the first of a special miniseries. Join me as we uncover the secrets of managing a microservice deployment across 20+ Kubernetes clusters. I'll share insights on maintaining sanity in the face of complexity, offering practical tips for a smoother CD experience.

Andrzej Lichnerowicz is a software developer focused mainly on Go and Zig. Currently working on Splunk Core Platform by day, and UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage by night (https://kskpd.pl).

4. Break [PL/EN; 20 min; 19:10 - 19:30]

5. Robert Laszczak, Gopher Toolbox: Techniques and Tools Every Senior Go Developer Should Understand [EN; 45 min; 19:30 - 20:15]

A friend recommended a technique that seems like the perfect solution to the problem you're facing. After a heroic struggle, you convinced the rest of the team to adopt this idea, and you successfully introduced the new technique into the project. However, over time, six months later, you realize that the original problem still exists. What's more, it's not the only problem now. One day, you notice that someone well-known writes: "This technique doesn't work." Phew, so it's not my fault. Does this sound familiar?

From my experience, most techniques and tools are not useless. The problem often lies in their application to solve the wrong problem or in a lack of understanding of the technique. Can we say that a pneumatic hammer is a bad tool just because, in trying to drive a nail with it, we punched a hole through the wall?

In my presentation, I will focus on discussing the essential tools that every aspiring senior Go Developer should be familiar with. Furthermore, I will share my experiences regarding situations when these tools proved effective and when they were the wrong choice.

During the day, Robert Laszczak is a Principal Software Engineer in SlashID. During the night, he is blogging at threedots.tech.

His programming journey spans 16 years, during which he had navigated diverse domains including infrastructure, global financial platforms, and security. A couple of years ago, he finally found a language he fell in love with: Go.

6.Closing [EN; 20:15 - 20:30]


Announcing the first GoCracow meetup in 2024! Get ready to join us as we bring the community back together live and in person. This time, we're thrilled to have Splunk - The Unified Security and Observability Platform - as our host!

Registration for the event is mandatory and seats are limited. Please attend here on meetup.com and enroll yourself in the office’s reception during the actual meetup. The host is going to provide some pizza, drinks, and snacks.

We will try to record the event and to publish it later on our YouTube channel.

We need you! We encourage you to propose talks for next meetups: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTAkTCdU9buxtpvTHWe8c31n6K-RKi4bH-BZpZTop7Ox54Tw/viewform. We plan to have GoCracow #11 in January, so if you can't attend now, stay tuned!

Participants (2):

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